Chapter Six

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Next Day

I walk down the hall to my locker wearing my Long sleeve plain black shirt, Grace jeans, and leopard print Sperry's. Everyone is staring at me. Some were laughing, some were whispering, and some gave a look as if they felt sorry. I shook it off and ignored my surroundings. I opened my same ugly plain locker. A water balloon fell out hitting my brand new shoes. I backed away and gasped out of embarrassment. Everyone around me was laughing and pointing a finger at me. I slammed my locker shut and ran to the bathroom across the hall.

Why would someone do this to me? I've only been here for a day and people feel like they have to humiliate me. I already harm myself enough why would others want to make it worse. I just don't understand.

I looked at the time on my phone. The bell rings in a minute. I walked out into the hall. There was only a few people there. People I've never seen before and probably haven't seen me either. I walked back to my locker taking out my history book. I walked into first period sitting next to Keeli.

"I heard what happened. Are you okay?" she asked being really concerned. I didn't feel like talking to anyone I just nodded my head yes and she eventually caught on. I didn't dare to even look to my left. I knew Nash was sitting right there. I heard him tap his pencil repeatedly on the desk as if he was nervous.

Finally the bell rang class couldn't of gone by any slower.

"Hey Callie, can we talk for a second?" That deep same tone came out of Nash's mouth. I didn't want to turn around but something inside me thought I should.

"What do you want?" I said turning around quickly. Tear started to form but I held them back leaving a lump in my throat and a weird feeling in my stomach.

"About last night, I am so sorry. Yes I knew this was going to happen, and yes I texted the address to them. But your're a great girl and I didn't realize that until what I did to you last night. I had too much guilt inside of me for doing that. So all I ask is for for you to accept my apology."

His eyes were now a really dark blue and his face has guilt all over it.

"I accept." Really that's all I could say? This boy is pouring his heart out and all I can say is I accept?

"So friends?" he asked making the cheesiest smile ever.

I nodded my head. I had so many things to ask but didn't want too.

"So about what I saw last night?" He asked very bravely. We were now walking out of the hall to next period.

"What did you see?" I asked pretty sure I knew what he saw but just was making sure.

"The B-bruises and c-cuts." He tried muttering out.

"Maybe another time." I said fake smiling trying to walk away from him.

"But wait! When will there be another time?" He asked grabbing the back of my arm.

"My house tonight." I said unsure if this was a good idea. I walked away leaving Nash by his self in the hall. He looked like he didn't want to be seen with me from the way he kept looking behind us.


Finally the lunch bell rings. I waited in the hall for Keeli. She seems like a really nice person that wants to be friends with me.

"Hey Callie!" I heard her voice yell behind me.

I turned around to see her halfway sprinting towards me. We got in the long lunch line and waited.

"So what happened last night? If your wanting to talk about it." She asked slightly shrugging her shoulder unsure about her question.

"Not at school please, maybe we can chat another time about this." I said getting a knot in my stomach.

"What about tonight?"

I had plans with Nash tonight. I don't think it would be a good idea to tell anyone that, so I lied. "I-i have plans with my Aunt tonight. What about t-tomorrow? It will be Friday and maybe you could stay the night." I said fake smiling. I tend to do that a lot.

She nodded her head and we both took our trays walking out of the lunch line into the cafeteria. I looked to my right and saw all the popular and preppy girls. To the left were all the popular guys, including Nash over there and the guys from last night. In the middle were the kids into science and stuff. Then there was an empty table two down from where Nash and them sits. I started walking towards the table trying to not make eye contact with anyone at the table.

"Oops." Someone says flipping my tray all over my clothes. I wiped the spaghetti off from my face and looked to see Nash standing there laughing with all his friends.

Me and Nash just made up and said we were friends. Why is he doing this to me?

I dropped my tray and covered my face running towards the bathroom for my second time today. I walked in to see two girls applying more makeup to there clumped eyelashes. They both started giggling.

"The back stall is empty hun." One said giggling and pointing.

I walked into the bathroom and set my back pack down. Why does everyone hate me so much? I was suppose to have a better life down here. No more dad, no more worrying about who will take care of me, and most importantly no more bullying. But it was all a lie, the bullying is back.

I wiped a tear away from my face trying to not smear my makeup. I didn't want the two girls to hear me sniffling. I rolled up my sleeve to look at my wrist. The cuts were now scabs and started to itch. You know what I have to do. I unzipped my bag and opened my pencil pouch taking out the pencil sharpener. I took the blade out of it throwing the rest of it away. I gave myself three cuts. One for the bullying, one for what happened last night, and one just to give myself one. I looked up two see two girls peeking through the crack.

"Your such a suicidal freak." One of the girls said walking away. Oh my gosh, they saw me, life can't get any worse right now.

I barged out of the bathroom door. "Please don't tell anybody!" I begged to the two girls about to walk out.

"You secret is safe with us. " They said holding there hands over their hearts as if they felt bad. A feeling of a relief shot all down my body. I went to the sink washing the food off my body, most of it came off. I grabbed my bag and rolled down my sleeve walking out of the bathroom.


Finally this horrible day ended. I went I my locker and put my stuff in it.

"I think you should keep that outfit. You look nice wearing spaghetti." Nash said walking away from my locker slamming it shut as he passed. All his friends were laughing at his smart comment.

I was greeted by Justin outside of the school.

"How was your day?"

"I-I guess it was okay." I lied. His question made me think of Nash and how he was suppose to come over. Why did he do that to me at lunch. Why is he bullying me?

Sorry this is short . I am on a different phone not use to the keyboard. Also, OMG 100 reads??!?!? Thank you all so much ❤️❤️



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