Chapter Twenty Nine

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- Callie POV -

Keeli is sleeping and so is Nash. I woke up like ten minutes ago. We're about to land and I am so excited.

I've missed my new home and my new room. I'll have another fresh start in school. My dad is gone out of my life hopefully for good. I now have the best boyfriend in the world. Who would of thought I would be dating my bully?

The plan landed and were in the taxi's that the airport owns.

First place was to drop Keeli off. Her house is before me and Nash's.

I hugged her and made sure she didn't forget about to girls day tomorrow. Poor girl is so heart broken. She didn't even lift her face up.

She slammed the car door and walked to her house.

My heart started beating faster as we drove to Nash's house. I've never seen his house.

We pull up to this two story house that looks comfy and cute. He opened the door and grabbed his suitcase.

"I'll be back in five minutes." I told the driver.

I followed Nash to the front door.

"Well this is it."

I started to cry.

This Summer was so much fun and I don't want it to end.

"Thank you for giving me the best Summer."

He pulled me to him and rested his arms on my butt. Of course he would do that, he's a guy and it's such a turn on.

Both of our eyes were closed.

Nash pulled away and titled my chin up. He crashed his lips on mine and took total control, once again. The same feeling shot through my body.

The butterflies formed and the chill bumps scattered across my body.

He pulled away and I kept my eyes closed not wanting to see him walk inside.

His hand slowly slipped away from mine.

"I love you so much." He whispered.

"I love you more."

Then I heard his door shut.

I wipe the tear from my face and walk down the sidewalk.

I see a boy with brown shaggy hair walking to the door in football uniform. He had blue eyes just like Nash's.

"Hi you must be Callie. I've heard about you."

I could feel my eyebrows furrow together.

"Bubby!" A blonde little girl said running towards him. She hid behind his legs after she saw me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh Nash hasn't told you?"

"Told me what?"

"I'm his brother and this is Skylynn, our sister."

I could feel my face get hot real fast. Nash didn't tell me he had siblings? Then again I didn't ask. But that shouldn't matter. I am so going to give him a piece of my mind.

"Nice to meet you." I fake smile.

He's face looked as if he was shocked. I'm pretty sure he didn't expect that reaction from me.

I'll just try to cool down before I even talk to him. It would be the best for me and definitely for him.

How could you go a whole summer not telling someone you have siblings. Or even worse: not telling your girlfriend that you've been in a relationship with for almost a month.

Bullied and Abused (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now