Chapter Nineteen

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Callie's POV

"Where have you been all day?" I asked Keeli who I bumped in to walking down the hall.

"I-I've been with Cameron."

"I totally forgot about y'all's date. I need details now." I demanded.

"First off we went and got breakfast not much happened. Second we went to the fair they are having downtown & thirdly we went to the beach. That's why my hair is tangled up."

"Y'all didn't have any conversations or anything?"

"We've talked about our lives and what's going on around us. He called me beautiful and said he liked me but that was it."

That's actually pretty good considering she's never told me about her personal life.

"So he didn't ask you?"

"No. But I'm pretty sure he will the second date."


"Yes!" She squealed.

"I've been meaning to ask you. Are you coming with us for the rest of the Summer or do you have to stay?"

"No I'm coming."

We jumped up in down in a circle screaming.

"Why are y'all being so loud?" Jack Gilinksy asked walking out his room.

"Reasons." She snapped.

"So sorry." He said backing away with his hands in the air as if he was surrendering.

"I over heard Cam talking about it. So were going to LA next?"

I just shook my head yes.

She squealed with excitement. "I've always wanted to go there. I am so excited. Are you?"

I wasn't going to lie to her. "No I'm really not. LA is my hometown. The place I came before North Carolina." I muttered out.

"Oh. We can get through this together. He can't hurt you no more, I promise." She put her hand on my shoulder and looked me in to the eyes. She was meaning what she was saying. Her words soothed me and made me relax.

"Thanks Keels."

"Callie come here." Nash wined poking his head out through the door. He was just in his boxers and had his hand covering his part. My eyes widen when I saw him.

"Well I guess you have things to do. I'll see you later." Keeli said walking off giggling.

"What do you want?"

"For you to come cuddle with me."

"But your in your boxers."

Him bravely walking out the room in his boxers surprised me. Considering I should be seeing him almost naked further in our relationship and during more romantic times.

"Yeah so. My body is warm." He smirked.

"Fine." I said acting like I didn't want to but really did.

I crawled under the covers with him. He put his arm under my head and I laid my hand on his chest and buried my head in to him. He was right, he is really warm.

"I knew you wanted to cuddle. You can't pretend that you don't want too."

I let out a smile. "Fine you caught me."

"I could do this all day." He admitted.

"Is it just me or does this seem impossible?" I asked sitting up.

"What do you mean?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Like the feelings are there and everything but no one, not even me, would of expected us to be a couple."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. But don't take this the wrong way, I do like you. I was just asking if this seemed impossible."

"Well if this was impossible then we wouldn't be doing this right now. Second, my feelings for you are strong & real. I think that's all that should matter right now is how we feel."

I knew I should of asked him that because he knew exactly what to say.

"Your right."

I reached up and softly kissed him. Our lips moved in synched softly and slowly. The kiss was passionate and made my heart beat fast. My stomach formed butterflies and just reminded me of how much I like this boy.

"I know the most perfect place to take you in LA tomorrow. I want it to be our first date."

"Can't wait." I admitted leaning in for more.

"Damn your a good kisser."

I blushed and kissed him again softly only the lips. "I'm going to go take a shower."

"And just leave me here?" He wined.

"That's what I have to do to take a shower." I sassed.

"I could just go with you." He mumbled thinking I didn't hear. I didn't want him to know I heard what he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." His face grew read and he didn't even hesitate to speak.

"That's what I thought." I said blowing him a kiss before shutting the bathroom door. He acted like he caught it and he put his hand in his boxers.

"Your such a pervert." I said actually shutting the door this time giggling at him.

I guess I'm using spice body wash and shampoo. I forgot to grab some out of my room. Thank goodness I didn't forget to grab some clothes. Nash let me borrow some of his.

I think I'm staying with Nash and Matt tonight. I really want Keeli and Cam to become a couple. They are so cute together and I think them having the room to theirselves would help them become a couple and have more time together. Just them two.

I wash my whole body with the men's body wash and turn the shower water off. I open the curtain to search for my towel. I found it on top of the toilet. I dry my body off and throw the towel not even knowing where it hit. I look into the mirror while I get dressed. I put on my sports bra, Nash's boxers, and his shirt. I hear clapping and turn around. The door was wide open.

"Nice show babe." Nash said smirking.

My cheeks grew really red I was so embarrassed.

"Did you open the door?" I asked getting angry at him.

"No I guess your towel opened it when you threw it."

"So umm, what all did you see?"

"Everything." He said grinning holding up an okay sign with his fingers. (👌)

I tried to forget about it so I wouldn't feel so awkward around him. I put in a movie and crawled back in bed with Nash. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It's already ten. I scoot closer to Nash and lay in the same cuddling position.

"Even though we didn't do much today I had an awesome time. As long as your with me my day can't go wrong." He kissed me on the forehead and turned off the lamp beside him.

"Your the best boyfriend I've ever had."

"And your the best girlfriend." he added.

So not much happened except Nash being more of a Perv. Lmao.

Love you guys & sorry I didn't update sooner. I finally came home today.

Also PLEASE read my new fanfiction. It's about Cameron Dallas. "Friends or more?" I have 3 chapters up so far.

Comment? I love talking to you guys on here.



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