Chapter Forty One

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I walk to my locker and see Nash standing there.

He has his friends hanging around him.

I walked in the middle of them and planted my lips on to his.

He grabbed a hold of my waist and kissed back.

"Nashy has a girlfriend." One of his friends teased.

"And where is yours?" he snapped back.

Everyone in the circle went "oooohhhh".

Nash had his left arm wrapped around me as I rested my head on him.

Alexis walked past us in the hall. She turned around and gave me a look.

I smiled at her and leaned back on Nash.

She turned around and started walking towards Nash.

"I thought we had a thing?" She screamed.

"No we didn't."

"Then why did you kiss me? You know you really want to be with me and not her."

"Actually you were just a rebound. Your rude, selfish, and a manipulative little bitch."

"Ugh! We will be together one day." She stormed off.

Me and Nash started to laugh.

The bell ran and we walked to class, hand in hand.

As were walking to the class I saw a bulletin bored with color posters.

"Nash wait."

"I'm going to try out." I said grabbing the cheer poster.


I have cheer tryouts later today.

Nash is in the passenger seat and I'm driving him home.

"I want to come to your tryouts." He begged.

"Fine." I said turning the car around and going to my house.

We pulled up in my driveway.

We got out and went to my room.

"There is nothing to do here." I giggled shutting the door.

"Oh I got a few idea's." He winked at me.

I just ignored his comment.

"Let's make a Youtube video."

I pulled my camera and tri-pod out.

I went downstairs and grabbed a stool that Nash could sit on.

"Write down 5 questions." I said.

I already had mine down on my phone in my notes.

I walkd to the mirror and fixed my makeup and that was it.

I sat back down and waited on Nash.

"Hey guy! I'm back with another video."

"Today I have my lovely girlfriend here with me today." He said pointing towards me.

I'm letting this be Nash's video because I don't feel like editting it.

"So we have a few questions for each other. Whoever gets the most right wins."

"And whoever looses has to cook dinner for the winner." He added on.

He knows I hate cooking.

"First question. "Where did you ask me to be your girlfriend?"

Bullied and Abused (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now