Prologue (Pt. 2)

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The next day Erica sat up and stretched and look out her other window to see the sun shinning into her room and said, "Another day in reality." She got up, made her bed, walked into the living room, and started making breakfast. "What do I have to do today?" Erica thought looking at her Handy list, which means in her language her list of Handy jobs to do in the community. She only saw one thing left to do on her list it was something she couldn't do yesterday because Lexy wasn't home yesterday, the last thing on the list was: Help Lexy re-dig and re-plant her garden. Lexy was Erica's best friend and another one of her neighbors, it turns out that the last weeks rain storm has flooded and ruin Lexy's garden so she asked Erica to give her a hand fixing it.

So Erica went to her room and got dress, like yesterday she wore a tank top

So Erica went to her room and got dress, like yesterday she wore a tank top

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under a sleeveless jean vest/jacket,

under a sleeveless jean vest/jacket,

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and jean shorts with the

 boots she had on yesterday

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boots she had on yesterday.

As she closed the front door, she noticed that the neighborhood kids were playing hockey again in the street, but Hunter wasn't there to coach them this time

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As she closed the front door, she noticed that the neighborhood kids were playing hockey again in the street, but Hunter wasn't there to coach them this time.

'He must be at work,' Erica thought relieved as she made her way over to Lexy's house. She knocked on the door, Lexy opening it moments later. "Hey," Erica greets.

"Hey you ready to get ta work?" asks Lexy.

"Ready as ever," Erica answers as Lexy let her into her house.

Erica and Lexy walked through the house until they found the back door. Surprised Erica noticed that Lexy's was the only one that was empty. "I already took the dead plants out so all we have to do is re-dig it and plant the seeds," Lexy explained.

"Okay that seems simple enough," Erica stated lacing her fingers together in front of her chest and pushing her palms out in front of her before stretching her fingers.

But there's more to it then just re-digging and replanting sprouts," Lexy added, considering she's done this before.

"Okay just tell me what to do and all do it," Erica reasoned.

"First thing we gotta do is re-dig the soil first." Lexy ordered as she grabbed a couple of shovels.

(Time Skip: Cause y'all probably want to read what happens after this instead of reading the steps to plant flowers besides I can't remember them anyway, Lol XD)

A while passed as the two of them continued to work in the garden, but after a while they were finally done. "Okay, now to wait for these little guys to grow," Lexy concluded, talking about seeds as she rubbed her hands together to get the soil off them.

"Wow that didn't take as long as I thought it would," Erica stated surprised.

"We'll when you have help it takes half the time," Lexy smiled.

"Okay time for a breather," Erica stated, sitting down at the table Lexy had in her backyard.

"Yeah definitely time for a breather," Lexy agreed doing the same. "Thanks for helping me Erica."

"No problem you would've done the same for me," Erica replied.

"That's true." says Lexy. As they sat with the wind blow through there hair, Erica started thinking about Hunter and the main reason why she was there. 'Well it's know or never.' she thought knowing this could be her only option. She took a deep breath. "Hey Lex."

"Yeah?" Lexy questioned.

"There's another reason I came over," Erica says looking a her hands that were placed on her knees." 

"What is it?" asks Lexy.

"Well you know that neighbor of ours, Hunter Jones?" Erica asked while blushing.

"Yeah and I know you have a crush on him," Lexy nonchalantly said. "And I'm guessing you need advice on how to talk to him."

"How did you-".

"Oh come on Erica, you're my best friend. I can read you like a book." Lexy humored.

"Well that's true," Erica said. She and Lexy had been best friends long before Terry and Samantha showed up so it shouldn't surprise her that Lexy could read her emotions so easily.

"So what do I do," asks Erica getting to the point.

"I mean every time I want to try and talk to Hunter I chicken out thinking he won't like me or my personalty," Erica sadly stated. She always thought that Hunter like those girly girls and not a tough Tomboy like her so it didn't surprise Lexy that Erica was nervous to talk to him.

"Well my advice is to be yourself everyone likes/loves you just the way you are and I'm sure Hunter will to." says Lexy.

Erica thought for a moment, she never doubted Lexy before, but she was still unsure about. "Come one be the tough Handy girl everyone knows about and conquer your fear," Lexy encouraged.

Erica smiled at her, she was right she need to stop acting like a scared girl and overcome her fear. "You're right I need to stop acting like a coward and overcome my fear," Erica decided, standing up.

"That's the spirit," Lexy pumped with a smile on her face. Erica smiled back before she looked up at the sky,

'Let's just hope I don't chicken out at last minute,' she thought.

After hanging out with Lexy for a more couple of hours, Erica decided that it was time to call it a day. She said goodbye to Lexy and walked back to her house. As she opened the door she was meet with meowing, this coming from her little black Persian cat, Mimi who was no doubt hungry.

"Okay girl I'll get you some food," Erica reasoned to her cat as she went to get her some food. After she finished with that, Erica headed to the bathroom to take a shower so she could wash off all the sweat she got from helping Lexy. Erica sighed in relief after as she dried her hair, she decided to watch T.V. because she didn't have anything else to do. She started to look around for the remote, she managed to find it between the couch cushions. She turned on the T.V. to see that the Tremors was on and started watching it, as she sat there Erica started feeling sleepy. 'That hot shower must have made me light-headed.' Erica thought as she tried to keep her eyes open, only for her to fall asleep.

An hour or so later Erica woke up to find her T.V. acting strange, she saw that the first Tremors movie was on again as but it wasn't acting right, it was flicker between movie scenes. Like it was flicker to random scenes from the first three movies. Erica rubbed her eyes to see if they were playing tricks on her she saw the T.V. was normal again, she shrugged her shoulders thinking the T.V. was having a moment before she laid back down and went back to sleep only for her T.V. to start flickering again and turned blue portal.


Finished! Man, this took forever to write and considering I need help with this, so it took longer than I thought. Anyway hope y'all enjoyed this I'm working on chapter 1 now. So I hope y'all can be patient and wait for it an all see y'all in the next chapter, Bye.

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