Chapter 3: Meeting Rhonda Lebeck And Breaking Down

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Meanwhile in Perfection far from where Erica was,

3rd Person Pov,

A young man, named Valentine McKee who everyone called Val was busy doing his business by the edge of a cliff while his best friend, Earl Basset was still fast sleeping in his sleeping bag in the bed of the truck. The two where working on fencing, but they weren't even close to done so, Earl had suggested they spend the night out there and they finished the rest of them in the morning. After Val zipped up his pants and buckled his belt he walked over to the back of his and Earl's truck to find his friend still a sleep. He put his arm on one of the sides of the bed of the truck and his hand on the tale gate.

 He put his arm on one of the sides of the bed of the truck and his hand on the tale gate

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"Good morning, Mr. Basset. This is your wake up call. Please move your ass." he said. Earl made no sign of waking up, Val then look over at a few cows that where near them and got a crazy smile on his face. For those who knew Val they knew that's the smile he shows when he gets stupid ideas. Val jumps on one of the tires located on the side of the truck and starts bouncing it, screaming, "Stampede! Stampede, Earl! Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Earl crawls out of it and land on his back before rolling over on his face, He starts breathing heavy to see that the cows where not moving and there weren't even enough for a stampede, that's when he realized Val was messing with him again. "You dumb shit."

Val jumped off and start laughing out loud, as Earl got up and started ranting. "I was in a stampede once." he said as Val grabbed his sleeveless jean jacket as Earl started putting his cowboy boots on. "300 heads going hell-bent for the horizon." he finished only to hear Val say it with him. "Now exactly how many cows are required for a stampede, Earl?" Val asked as Earl put his other boot on before picking up his sleeping bag. "I mean is it like three or more? Is there a minimum speed?"

"I wish a stampede up your ass." says Earl looking at Val before taking out his cigarette litter, Val started looking for his cigarettes only to find two empty boxes. One in his pocket, the other in one of his jean jacket pockets, he finally found a pack with a few cigarettes in it. Val took one out with his mouth he hand the box to Earl who grabbed one before he lit Val's cigarette then lighting his own.

Earl picked up the silver judge they used to make breakfast with and got an idea on who to get out of making breakfast and to get back at Val for messing with him.

"No breakfast?" he asked

"I did it yesterday." Val replied. "It was baloney and beans."

"No. It was eggs." Earl says. "I did eggs. Over easy."

"The hell you did." says Val. "Baloney and beans. It's your turn."

Earl put his cigarette in his mouth and raised his fist, waiting for Val to do the same. Val rolled his eyes while putting his cigarette in his mouth before he did raised his fist and they did rock paper scissors. Earl did scissors and Val did paper. "Well, I guess when I'm your age I'll forget what I eat too." says Val as Earl gave him the silver judge so he could start making breakfast.

After breakfast the two got to work putting up the rest of the barbed wire fences.

Back with Erica,

Erica was almost to Perfection after hours of driving she was still unsure if it was really there, that's when she saw a red truck in parked on the right side of the road. She see's a girl by the truck curious Erica turns to meet her hoping that was who she thought it was, only to get confirmed that the girl is who she thought she was. Rhonda Lebeck. 'If Rhonda is here then that means I really am in the Tremors world.' Erica thought as she watched Rhonda walk up to her truck.

"Hi," Rhonda greeted.

"Howdy." Erica greeted back.

"What's your name?" Erica asked pretending to not know who she was.

"Rhonda Lebeck." answered Rhonda. "What's your name?"

"The names Erica Eberstein." Erica answered as she held out her hand for Rhonda to shake which she happily did. "But everyone calls me Erica."

"Nice to meet you Erica," says Rhonda with a smile. "So, What brings all the way out here?"

"Well my Great-great-grandmother lived here in the 1800s, when I was younger I was always curious about the place where she grew up, now that I'm older my parents thought it would be a nice idea to come live down here in my grandmother's old house for a while." Erica answered.

"Oh that sounds exciting having a great-great grandmother that grew up here in the 1800s." says Rhonda amazed.

"Yeah, So what are you doing all the out here?" asks Erica pretending not to know. "If you don't mind me asking?"

"Well I'm out here studying seismology," answers Rhonda.

"Oh you mean earthquakes right?" asks Erica

"Yeah," says Rhonda. "You study seismology before?"

"No, I learned what it meant in school," Erica answered. "Well I should probably go Walter's waiting for me."

"Do you know him?" asks Rhonda.

"No my mom called him to let me know I'm coming," Erica answered

"Oh okay," says Rhonda. "Maybe all see you around town."

"Maybe, if not, you want to exchange numbers?" asked Erica.

"Sure." says Rhonda taking out her phone to give Erica her number with Erica doing the same.

"All see ya later Rhonda." says Erica waving before she drove off.

"You to!" yells Rhonda with a smile for making another new friend before she went back to write down her seismographs readings

As Erica was driving her truck that was now getting closer to town it started to sound weird, before it suddenly soon stopped moving. She turned the key only for her truck to make that sound it made as it was trying to start, 'Oh my god are you kidding me?' Erica thought as she got out to see what was wrong with her truck, she opened the hood and examined the engine. She really didn't see anything wrong with it and she wasn't out of water, so what was wrong with her truck? As she was examining her truck Erica didn't notice that a certain truck stopped next to hers.


Finally got over my writers block on this, I hope y'all enjoyed this and stay tune for more to come also I published a new story based off the movie Suicide Squad go check it out when u get the chance, Bye!!!

Tremors Erica's Big Adventure Book One: The Start Of An AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now