Chapter 8: We're Dead

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Hey guys I'm sorry I've been gone for so long I've been under some stress lately and I've been finding it hard to find the motivation to do much these days so that's why this is extremely late. So again I'm sorry about but enjoy the chapter.


Meanwhile Back in Town,

Miguel thought it was a good idea to call everyone over to Walter's store and tell them what was going on,

"Could it have been coyotes?" asked Nancy as her daughter was standing by the door not wanting her to hear this know she probably get scared or wouldn't understand what was happening. (Okay I watched the movie with subtitles and I don't know why but the voice saying it sounds more like Nancy instead of Heather. Cause the subtitles say that's it's Heather saying that but I changed it cause it sounded like Nancy saying that)

"No way," says Nestor not believing coyotes could do this after all Fred and Edger own guns so if it was coyotes they could just shot their guns in the air and scare them away.

"No. Coyotes didn't kill Fred," says Miguel

Mindy looks out the window and sees Val and Earl's truck pulling up and see the three friends inside it, "Hey, it's Val, Earl, and Erica." she says looking at them gaining everyone's attention.

Everyone looked up confused before some of them, that were sitting down gets up to go outside to meet the friends as Val parks the truck, "They shouldn't be here already." says Heather

"Thought you three were in Bixby by now." says Burt confused knowing they just left to get the police.

"You are never gonna believe this," says Val not believing it himself but before he could explain Mindy soon sees something handing from the underside of the truck and says "Mom!"

Which gains everyone's attention turns to wear Mindy was looking to see what look liked a Snake-like creature on the ground wrapped around part of the truck.

"Oh, my God!" says Nancy in disgust as she puts her hands on her daughter's shoulders pulling her close to her. Burt throws his empty beer can on the ground while Earl pulls out his pistol aiming it at the creature as Burt crouches down to get a better look with his wife saying, "Oh, Burt, be careful."

Someone, possibly Nestor, groans in disgust as Melvin says, "Unreal, Where'd ya get it?"

Val looks at the teen before looking back at the creature saying as Burt goes to find a shovel to get it off the truck to get a better look, "l didn't know we had it."

"lt's disgusting," says Nancy not like the look or the smell of it as Nestor moves over to stand next to Miguel

"Some kind of snake?" asks Nestor.

"Looks more like an eel to me," says Miguel

"Eels live in the water, don't they?" asks Nestor before Erica who standing in between Val and Earl starts to explain to them that it couldn't be an eel

"From what I learned in school eels live in the shallow waters of the ocean and burrow into sand, mud, or amongst rocks. A majority of eel species are nocturnal, thus are rarely seen. Sometimes, they are seen living together in holes, or "eel pits". she says as everyone looks at her.

"Though some eels can live on land, such as the European eel and the American eel, can live for an extended period time out of the water and can also crawl on land if the soil is moist. Meaning this can't possibly be an Eel cause it's way too hot here for any type of eel to live in they dry up and die after a while if they can't find water or moist soil."

Erica may be a tomboy but she was consideredly smart cause she studied in school, she had As and Bs in almost every subject but she sometimes had Cs, Ds or Fs when it came to any type of math, which was her worst subject.

Everyone nodded in understanding before turning there their attention back to the creature getting closer but keep their distance as Burt came back with a shovel.

"Big mother slug, maybe," says Earl

"Don't touch it!" says Walter to Burt not wanting him to make the creature angry and attack or kill them before Burt ashores them as Heather walks through everyone to get a better look and Nestor walks back over to stand next to Val and Earl, "Relax. lt's dead."

As Burt then uses the shovel to get the creature off the truck, Nestor gets a scared look on his face before walks back over to where he was standing next to Miguel, as Burt picks the creature with the shovel to bring it out from under the truck so everyone could see it.

As Heather crotches down on the other side of the creature putting her gloves on, Earl then realizes that this thing is the reason they got stalled out back at the rockslide, "Hey, it must've grabbed us! That's why the truck stalled out."

Before looks, at him, angry saying, "Next time l tell you I'm not hung up. . ." Before Burt interrupts him by asking looking between the three friends and the creature, "Hey, wait. This stalled out your truck?" Erica nods her head answering him in an affirmative, 'yes it did.'

"lt'd have to be one strong son of a bitch." he says, as wife says, "Stinks, too."

"I'll give you boys $5 for this," says Walter looking at them wanting the creature to maybe attract tourists.

Val looks at her before looking at Earl before looking back at Walter says, "$20."

Nancy looks at them as Erica crosses her arm giving them a look of disbelieve and shaking her head.

"Okay, $10!" says Walter before Earl says causing Walter to look at him, "$15."

"Okay, $15." says Walter angry not really wanting to spend that much money.

"Damn right, $15." says Val as Earl looks at him with a smirk cause they just earned 15 dollars.

"l don't believe you guys." says Nancey with disapproval.

'I can't either,' Erica thinks looking at the two men as Walter crouches down as Burt picks up the creature with his hunting knife examining it, "Could be a snake! Some kind of mutation."

"Yeah." says his wife agreeing with him as Burt put the creature back on the ground and says, "Whatever it is, just one of these couldn't eat up Fred and his whole flock of sheep."

"So you think there are more of them out there?" asks Val as everyone looks at him as Nancy looks up using her pupils to look around, everyone not liking the idea of them being more of those creatures out there somewhere.

Erica mostly considering she knew what they were up against she really didn't like the idea and also considering this was all real and not fake made her not like the idea even more.


Okay, this took maybe a few minutes to write thought turned out pretty good even though it was a rush job, I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter I will post the next one when I can. But until the see y'all later

Tremors Erica's Big Adventure Book One: The Start Of An AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now