Chapter 4: Meeting Them

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Meanwhile back with Val and Earl before they find Erica broken down,

"Ow! God Damn it!" Earl exclaimed cause he scraped himself on the wire again before he threw it down in anger. He and Val were on the last fence pole, they'd been doing them all morning. Earl was holding them down while also making sure they were tight enough for Val to nail them down on the fence poles.

"I ask ya, is this a job for intelligent men?" Earl asked talking about what they were doing.

"Well show me one, I'll ask him," Val said.

"No, I mean if we were real serious about money, we'd quit being hired—" Earl says before Val interrupts him.

"Handymen, Earl, we are handymen," Val explains.

"Yeah, yeah. We could quit this job and find ourselves some real employment," says Earl

"Are you really gonna give up all this personal freedom?" Val questions holding his arm out that was talking about the valley. "I don't know." He starts hammering on the nail 10 times but missed every time except the last hit. Earl had to look at it to make sure it went in before they head for there truck and head back to town to do their next job.

Val started up the truck and they were on the road, "Haha, Freeway!" he says. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"It's garbage day," Earl answered.

"Oh, man. Already? Hey, what's Nester paying us?" Val questions.

"$50. Now that's $47 bucks more than we got." Earl responds.

"Burt and Heather's place is closer. How about we do the linoleum today and the garbage tomorrow." Val suggested.

"Nester's not home tomorrow," says Earl. "Now, look, we don't dig today, we don't get paid today. Now, damn it, Valentine, you never plan ahead. You never take the long view. Here it is Monday and I'm already thinking it's Wednesday... it is Monday, right?"

Val ignores him as they where just about to pass someone. Val speaks up first. "Hey, who the hell's that? That's not what's-his-name, the grad student?"

"Nah, he graduated. Must be the new one," says Earl

"New one? That's supposed to be a girl." Val looks excited and turns quickly to go meet her, he lets out a whoop, Before he starts listing off the things he looks for in a girl. "You will have long, blonde hair, big, green eyes, world-class breasts, ass that won't quit, and legs that go all the way up!"

Val stops suddenly and the dust is all, The girl is nothing that he hoped for. Pretty much the opposite.

The girl looks up and comes over to them. "Hi. I'm Rhonda. Rhonda LeBeck. I'm up here for the semester." She shakes hands with Earl.

"Yeah, uh, Geography." Earl guesses.

"Geology." Val rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, well, actually seismology." Rhonda corrects. "Earthquakes. And you two must be Val and Earl. I've heard all about you."

"We deny everything," says Earl with a laugh looking at Val, causing Rhonda to laugh at his joke.

"Hey listen, I got a question for you. Do you know if anybody's doing any drilling, or blasting, or any of that kind of stuff?" Rhonda asks.

"Around here? No ma'am." Val laughs.

Rhonda looked a little offended at being laughed at but covers it up. "Well, I'm supposed to be reading these seismographs and I've been picking up some strange readings. We've never recorded anything like this."

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