The Twisting Tale (Part 1)

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As I stumbled through the bushes I came face to face with a small figure. Now, this wasn't just a short person, no, this person was flying. I looked at the thing in front of me studying it. I think it was a fairy, it was small in size with dazzling wings coming out of it's back. It's green hair popped with colour and its ora seemed to sparkle. I looked around from the top of the hill and saw dozens of girls arriving through the bushes, pixies or fairies welcomed them and guided them towards a large white and royal purple castle in the distance. To the left I saw a large pond, I saw crowds of people and creatures heading towards what seemed to be a back entrance. They all appeared to be dropped off by large stone creatures that threw them into the lake, making them swim towards the looming castle. The fairy then spoke up "Welcome to the School for the Vile and the Virtuous, I am your guide Christopher" it spoke in a warming voice. The fairy boy was wearing what looked like an outfit made from multiple different leaves. I smiled with a confused look "Um thank you?" I responded. "If you would please follow me." the boy said taking my hand and leading me towards a small group of girls. "You know?" The fairy whispered "you're the first person to come up from the hill in a long time" I was confused what did he mean, there were many other girls appearing as if from nowhere. I heard the excitement in the girl's voices as we reached the castle. Apparently, a lot of the girls were expecting this. Had I been left out of the loop or something, this was the first time I had ever heard of this. I had been taken from my bed and left abandoned in the middle of nowhere and now I find out that this was all planned. That I was meant to land in this magical world, and start a new life in a castle made for the good and bad? I was terrified, I knew no one there, would I ever see my family again? What would happen to Anthony, Lucas and even Max and Aaron? Would they even know I was gone, would they even care? I snapped out of my thoughts as I entered the large entryway. It was decorated with chandeliers and large frames of people that looked like they came from royalty. It was like it came straight from a fairy tale, with two large staircases running up to a balcony and second floor. As the girls crowded into groups I started to notice some boys in the crowd. That's when I saw the large group of boys being guided in by gnomes and what looked like fairies. They looked as confused as I did, unlike all these other girls. I studied the boy's faces, looking for anyone familiar. That's when I noticed some bright red hair, that seemed to stick out in the crowd. I pushed my way past the girls and towards the newly arrived boys. Making sure not to lose the boy, I reached out my hand and placed it on the boy's shoulder. He shot around staring me dead in the eye, I would recognize those eyes from anywhere. It was Lucas. A smile ripped its way onto my features as I embraced him, he pulled away his eyes glistening "Jade oh my god I'm so happy you are here, I thought I was alone. I started to panic, and I-" I cut him off "Hey don't worry calm down, I'm here now. Do you know what's going on?" he looked at me with a grim look "I have no idea what's going on" all of a sudden a little gnome popped up next to Lucas, scampering up his leg and perching on his shoulder. He gave Lucas a big hug and the gnome started glowing. The cuts covering Lucas's arms had disappeared. Old scars that had been left had now vanished. We looked at the gnome wide-eyed, "How did you do that" Lucas said gasping, holding the gnome out at arm's length. The gnome giggled "I'm a healing gnome" it squealed. I laughed, "Aren't you a little cutie" I tickled him. "What's your name, little guy?" I continued. "His name is Lucky Clover, he helped me out when I arrived" Lucas explained. "Hey!" I turned around towards the shout, that's when I saw my guide lost amongst the crowd, I ran up to him, with Lucas stumbling after me. "Hey! What the hell, why'd you run off?" Lucas coughed. Lucas's helper gnome was clutching onto his leg for dear life, "Sorry about that buddy." Lucas said lifting up Lucky and giving him a hug. I smiled at the two and turned to my guide, "Sorry Christopher" I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck, Christopher sighed "No it's ok I should have been watching, my job is to stay by your side. I'm here to keep you safe and out of trouble." He gave me a warm smile, as a small blush crept up onto his cheeks. "Thank you I'm sorry for running off," I say as I put up my hand for a high five, "Oh, haha" I smile at his confused reaction and I put up one finger "How about a high one instead" he smiled widely, giving me a high one. "Lucas meet my guide, Christopher," I said signalling towards the fairy. "Hi nice to meet you, are you a fairy?" Lucas questioned, "HUH! No! Sorry, but no I'm a pixie, I would understand how you would get that confused, all the other guides here are fairy's, or other things. Normally pixies work with the children of the wicked, but I'm an exception." Cristofer clarified. "Huh, why are you an exception?" I asked "Oh because unlike other mischievous pixies, I'm actually good. But my brothers all work with the kids from the classes of bad." he explained "Brothers?" Lucas's gnome piped up, surprising us "Oh? There's four of us but only two work there now." As Christopher said that his wings drooped and his ora dulled. Suddenly the room fell into a hushed silence and all eyes turned towards the staircase. On the staircase stood two figures, one that appeared to be a dwarf, who had a rather long beard that dragged along the floor. And another, a boy, he was in a tattered shirt and loose fitting shorts, his hair was messy and he had dirt on his face. His hands were shaking and he looked confused, he was studying the room, clearly scared. All of a sudden Lucas yelled out staring the boy dead in the eyes "ANTHONY!" he yelled, tears in his eyes. Everyone turned to look at him, Lucas's gaze dropped to the floor, his hands clenched into fists, shaking, tears fell from his now closed eyes. I shot my gaze over to the boy on the staircase, his attention had now turned to us, he looked shocked. My eyes were having difficulty focusing, he became clear as the boy ran down the staircase, surprising everyone, even Lucas. The boy pushed his way through the crowd and the dwarf was now talking to a tall looming woman. They both had a stern look, their conversation must have been serious. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, the boy from the staircase was hugging me, Lucas ran up to me and embraced both of us. As soon as the three of us touched a bright light filled the room engulfing us. The force from the light threw me onto the floor my body throbbing, but this pain was not coming from the landing. As fast as the light had arrived, it disappeared without a trace, dulling down to show me, Lucas and the boy lying on the floor. My ears were ringing, my sight was spotted and a sharp pain was ripping through my body. All that could be heard was the screams erupting through the room, I could barely breathe. I looked over at Lucas clutching my stomach almost as though my insides would fall out at any moment. He was unconscious on the floor, both of his legs were snapped back in an impossible position and he had a large gash in the back of his head, he was no longer wearing the same clothes I had once seen him in. No, he was now wearing an outfit that was fit for a prince, it was a red pressed shirt with golden trims, black suit pants and polished coal coloured shoes. A crown was knocked down to the side of him, that must have once sat atop his spiked red hair. Lucky was gripped firmly onto his arm, the little gnome was shaking violently as he glowed, the same shine appearing around Lucas, as what I could only guess was the gnomes healing ability. My eyes widened as a harsh cough erupted from by bleeding lips, blood rose up from my throat causing me to choke. All eyes were on us and I didn't even dare turn my gaze to the other boy, I heard spluttering and gasping coming from his brittle frame. I forced my head to look in his direction, and instantly I wish I hadn't. He was crouched over just like I was and he was clutching his head, his face frantic and scared, his lips almost seemed blue, and is skin sickly pale, much like my own. He had cocoa brown hair that was neatly brushed over, one eye was slammed shut and bloodied, while the other was wide, a brilliant gold and teary. He was wearing slightly different attire to Lucas, instead, he had a plain white shirt that was tight cuffed, causing the ends to poof out, his chest was covered by another layer, a vest that was a pale blue. It had gold buttons and like Lucas's it was embroidered with swirling gold patterns, he wore neat brown trousers and matching polished shoes. As I looked I noticed, even with his eye I knew it was him. How could I have been so blind? Lucas was right, it was Anthony and they were both there suffering and in pain. I wanted to scream out, hug them, anything other than just huddle here and watch! I wanted to move, but nothing worked, my body just sat there frozen. Anthony's throat was slit and gushing blood, he was drowning in his own blood, his eyes pleading, begging. I heard the patter of feet and the healing gnome was right at his side, clutching him and shaking once more glowing a deep red. He was desperate too. Finally, the world seemed to pick up speed as all the noises I had somehow blocked out where now all flooding back, a rushing, overwhelming mess of voices. I ripped my hands up from under me and slammed them over my ears in hopes of drowning out those voices once again, but instead of ridding myself of them a new fear rose up from the depths of my soul. I screamed, silencing the crowd, I was hoping that it was all going to be over, I relaxed ever so slightly before another shot of pain ran down my back, spreading fiercely to the rest of my body. A long line seemed to slice me in half, I felt my back rip in two, something seemed to be trying to escape. I felt a sharp tugging, I could hear my bones cracking, I was being drowned out by a thick scent of blood and I tasted it in my mouth, the room was filled with screams, mostly my screams. I was being tortured for what felt like hours, but truthfully it must have only been about a minute. I was coughing up blood that pooled at my feet, but that was not where most of it was coming from. No, it was coming from my back, my knuckles, wrists and ankles. I was being drained of all life and the world didn't seem real, all my senses were being attacked, there was no escape. The tugging worsened, the blood almost seemed alive, like it was going to swallow me whole if I even dared move. Another wave of pain, another lot of cries of help and finally the most excruciating zap yet. The final rip of my back and the feeling of whatever was trying to get out, getting out. Now I felt empty, all that was left was a hollow feeling, all I could feel was the blood gushing out down my back like a waterfall. The weight was now just pulling down below my shoulders, my bones felt completely shattered, what looked like small chips of what I hoped wasn't bone were littered around me, being slowly dyed by my now blackening blood. My vision was blurred completely my breath shallow and desperate. What had I done to deserve this? Once more the patter of feet scurried towards me and something gripped my arm. I launched away pain flooding over me, I hunched further over coughing violently. I screamed as my body shook from the sharp breaths trying to escape my lips. Something grabbed my arm again and the sharp pain returned, but this time I had no energy to move and I just stayed there sobbing. I dared open my eyes again and I saw my body glowing a dangerous black, the figure had a matching shade of black, but he wasn't shaking, was it Lucky? No, this person was too big, Lucas? Anthony? No, they were a woman, long and slender. I recognize this woman, it was the lady from the staircase, what was she doing. I felt my body shift and lock up, she tucked her arms under me lifting me up. There was a prominent scowl on her face, "Everyone move to the grand hall, the welcome will move forward as planned. You are all dismissed!" Her voice boomed around the room, my vision blackened, two others held the frail forms of Lucas and Anthony. She guided us away, towards a large door illuminated by bright blinding light. I'm scared, I thought. "Don't be. You're safe." The women responded, how did she hear me? She just continued looking forward and stepped through the doorway. All I could think about was what was yet to come, for the students at the school for the Vile and Virtuous.

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