Hello There (Part 3)

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Huh? What a weird dream, I wonder who that was? They sounded so familiar. And I can somehow remember it, normally I forget it as soon as I wake up. Wait where am I? I shot my head around, my eyes darting all over the room. I was laying in a crisp white bed my arms wrapped in thick layers of bandages. I felt my brain go into overdrive with hundreds of thoughts of what was going to happen to me. My body was shaking violently, where was Christopher? I racked my brain trying to pinpoint any sort of memory of what had happened. I was scared, my breathing picked up as a sudden wave of pain washed over me, someone, anyone, please help me. Suddenly I heard the sound of a door opening, a short slender woman stepped in her hands clasped together at her waist. She had short blonde hair that curled inwards at the chin. Her eyes were completely black, her skin looked like the colour of light birch wood and I noticed her joints weren't completely attached. What was she?! I felt my body start to panic. "Good morning miss, I am glad that you are finally awake. The principal wishes to see you if you could come with me." The girl whispered her mouth staying close, not once moving to utter a sound. How did she do that? She turned her head back towards me her glass eyes staring at me, "Can you move?" She asked I stared back for a moment before looking down at my lap. I moved my bandaged hands to either side of the bed and pushed upwards. I winced as I moved my legs to hang over the bed. Even more, bandages covered my skin, I ignored the pain and strange tugging from my back. I pushed myself off the bed almost falling in the process. The women just watched on, not once moving, not even a move of the head or a simple blink. I slowly straightened up and followed behind the girl, her posture was straight and she never once faltered, even her hair appeared to stay unmoving. We walked the long halls and came to a large door engraved with swirling tales engraved into the wood. The girl knocked three times on the dark oak door. On the third knock, the doors creaked open revealing a large looming room, dead in the centre was a desk, a large painting hung over it. A man sat in the chair, looking unamused by our arrival. The girl bowed and left the room, leaving me and the principal alone. Once the door shut the headmaster turned to look at me, a smirk now playing on his features. He laced his hands together and rested his chin upon them, finally, he spoke. "Once upon a time, a beautiful woman arrived at the School for the Vile and the Virtuous. As soon as she stepped foot in the castle the room filled with a blinding light and in its place was her unconscious form." He paused raising an eyebrow, "So tell me, Jade Lane, what exactly happened to you that day?" the headmaster seemed to slowly sing. "I don't know I don't remember, was that really what happened?" My body started to shake violently, the headmaster raised an eyebrow in my direction. He let out a strained sigh, "I see, your still processing. I will give you some time. I'm am going to let someone show you to your dorm. Hopefully, after a good night's rest, you will feel better. Cody, you may now enter." He called, I watched as the large door swung open revealing a girl, the principal smiled and waved the both of us off. Once the door slammed closed the girl turned to me, a large smile on her face, "Hey nice to meet ya, my names Cody!" this girl appeared to be around my age, she had short white hair that fell to the left of her face. Her cheeks were bright and rosy which made them stand out against her pale white skin "So, I've heard that you've already found your story, that's pretty rare for a first year, well done. I'm from the classes for the good so hopefully, Ill see you around!" her red eyes shimmered excitedly. Suddenly something rammed into me, I fell forward into Cody, but instead of crashing into her I passed right through her, colliding into the floor. I shuddered and turned around, Cody had her hand stretched out for me to take. I was hesitant but eventually took it. She looked at me awkwardly, a small fairy now hovered at her side. "Uhm, I'm sorry about that, I guess my instincts kicked in. Oh and this is Kacey my guide." Cody said rubbing the back of her neck. "Its nice to meet you, you must be Jade right?" the small male fairy said "Sorry about crashing into you, I didn't mean to." he continued his wings slightly drooping. "Don't worry, its nice to meet you too and yes my name is Jade, but Cody how did I just do that, I mean, I fell through you," I asked puzzled. "Oh, you noticed that, well um. Jade just promise you wont tell anyone, but I'm part ghost. You know, like a hybrid, a mistake, something that isn't pure." Her eyes saddened as her head dropped. I smiled sadly at her, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Hey its ok, I know how it feels, apparently I'm a hybrid too. You wouldn't believe how many death glares I've gotten already." I said nodding to my wings that hung limply behind me. She peered over and caught a glimpse. Her eyes widened as she looked from me to my wings. I laughed lightly, still saw from the transformation, "I know it surprised me too." I smiled. She then suddenly hugged me, it was a lovely gesture but my body was still mending so it hurt like hell, I moved my arms to hold her. I felt warm water drip onto my wings causing them to shudder, I turned my head slightly to see Cody crying. She finally pulled away and gave me a genuine smile tears streaming down her face. "Thank you, Jade I'm sorry about this." She wiped her eyes hurriedly as Kacey hugged her, "Ha, we should probably get to our dorm." She spoke rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly, I nodded and we moved on. By the time we had reached our dorm it was night, let's just say we got very, very lost. We entered the room chatting and laughing, but as soon as we stepped foot inside we were met with an unfamiliar voice. "Who are you two?" a female voice rang out, I turned my attention to her, blinking slightly confused, I thought it was just me and Cody sharing, the look on Cody's face proved that even she didn't know who this was. "What are you looking at?" the girl said irritated. She had long scarlet hair, with porcelain white skin that shimmered in the dim lighting. Her legs were crossed and she was leant against a chair. She chewed a piece of gum, blowing it into a bubble and letting it pop. she rolled her eyes as she leant forward. "So, I'm guessing you two are my roommates? Huh, well I should introduce myself I guess. My names Valentina, the descendant of Snow White, I'm a second year and sixteen. Oh and this is my guide Strudel, and yes he is a mini flying pig. So now that's out the way I gotta head out." She finished grabbing a small leather bag off the floor and swinging it over her shoulder "Hey! Um, its nice to meet you Val, my name's Cody." Cody said introducing herself, I went to go and introduce myself as well before Valentina stopped me, "I already know who you are, your Jade. Everyone at school knows about you. Anyways I have class." Valentina said catching me off guard, how did everyone at this school already know me, I haven't even attended any lessons yet, let alone leave the nurse's office. Cody then spoke up, "Wait why would you have classes now? Only the students of the night have classes at this time." Valentina snorted, clearly amused, "Ha, you're smarter than you look, and yeah your right, but I think I might keep this one a secret." She winked as she sauntered out. Cody and I just stood there, confused over that whole exchange, "Well that was interesting, I wonder what she's up too?" Cody mumbled Kacey nodded in agreement. I pushed all my thoughts aside and sat down on a small stool located to the side of the quaint little apartment. I watched Kacey and Cody and wondered when my guide would show up. Christopher had apparently been missing ever since the incident and hasn't been heard from since, but the principals assistant assures me that he's most probably running some other errands. I closed my eyes in thought and heard the sound of a door opening and closing. I guess Cody found her room. I sighed and stood up. I might as well go and find my room. I wandered around the barren apartment stopping outside each door. I passed the bathroom, shower room and what I was guessing was Cody's room. At the end of the hall was another door that was engraved with Valentina's name, I turned and directly opposite it was another door. I'm guessing this was to be my room. It was small and welcoming, the walls were painted a pale pastel blue with one white accent wall. The room was pretty bare like the rest of the house, with only a bed, wardrobe and desk. On the bed was a note. "Hey, so I ordered some stuff for all the rooms, sorry if they're not your style, I'm happy to trade if you really dislike them. Sorry about earlier. Valentina." I smiled, 'She's not as bad as she lets on.' I thought as I read the note again. Wait when did she write this, the inks still fresh and how did she know she would act like that. Well, she wasn't rude, but she was certainly interesting. I sighed and walked over to the wardrobe, I don't think I had come with anything so I was assuming it would be empty. I opened the doors and inside were outfits similar to the one I had transformed into when I first arrived, actually, the exact dress was hanging inside. That's when I remembered I haven't changed since I woke up, the hospital clothes still hung loosely over my bandaged form. I thought I might as well change, I sifted through the various options and ended up picking a pale green jumpsuit that was swirling with silver patterns along the neck. It was cut in a low V, and the shorts ended just above the knees, a belt stitched onto the suit. I smiled down at myself, it was certainly more comfortable, but the bandages still itched. I sighed looking over myself and all the bandages, I looked over at the draws and started looking through them to try and busy myself. The draws were filled with all sorts of things for everyday use. I rifled through the draw, inspecting each object carefully until I reached the bottom. I looked in reaching my hand inside, feeling the bottom of the draw. I felt a strange indent, I peered in and saw what looked like a keyhole. I was confused, what was that doing there? I went to pull the draw out completely, but no matter how hard I tried the draw stayed stuck. I sighed giving up, I gently placed everything back inside it. I looked out the window, the sky had been engulfed by darkness, only the stars had broken the barrier of night. The clouds had completely stolen the moon and the trees swayed weekly in the wind, the night was silent except for the hushed chatter of the night class students. I smiled down at them watching as they hurried too and fro. I saw a boy that seemed to share the same frame as Lucas. Weird, even their hair was almost identical, but I couldn't be too sure with the dark lighting. I then saw someone that looked identical to Anthony! What the hell, how was that possible? Wait, Lucas and Anthony both had twin brothers, could that be them? I lent forward my body was now hanging from the window. I was just holding onto the windowsill dangling from my room. My wings opened on instinct as my small frame fell. But instead of opening and slowing my fall I landed in the grasp of a person. My eyes flew over to them as they held me. "Heh, did you fall from heaven because you look like an angel." The boy said with a toothy grin. I stared wide-eyed as I blushed. My racing thoughts were interrupted by a boy standing next to him, "Come on Max, let her go." He said sounding bored, he started walking off, his friend shouts of protest made no difference, "Hm, I guess I have to let you go, this was fun, let's do this again sometime." He said winking at me while placing me back down. "H-hey!" I stuttered my face burning, "Uhm, are you, Max, I mean are you Anthony's brother?" I asked embarrassed, his eyes twitched as he heard that name. His grip on his books tightened, his friend had now stopped and had walked back up to us. He was now stood in front of the boy and had his hands extended out in a defensive manner. He slightly turned his head towards me, his back facing me, he never once broke eye contact with Max, but he spoke directly to me. "I don't know how you know that or who you are, but we do not find it very funny. You're lucky were in public right now, otherwise, you'd be dead where you stand." He said, his voice sounding demonic. The boys then turned and left. Leaving me scared and even more confused. What was going on with this school and why was everyone here so hostile?

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