Fairytales (Part 2)

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"Fairytales are so magical.
How parents would tell their children stories that would fill their wildest dreams.
It's something both children and parents will cherish and never forget.
Sometimes it's the only memories children have left of their families.
I'm sorry, what happened to you was not meant to happen.
Everything was meant to be perfect, I promise I will make it up to you.
Your fairytale is a rare one.
One that seems to have been forgotten, but with you and your friends I'm sure it will be known, once more.
I'm so proud of you, you are stronger than you know.
You survived the transformation, most people don't make it.
I hate having to admit that, but it's true.
The cold winters are going to be the worst, but I know you'll have your friends by your side to help you through it.
No matter what stay with your friends, they're good boys.
Even if your fairytale is destined to pull you apart I know that all of you will be different.
Your bond is stronger than any others I have seen.
Now you just have to overcome this first obstacle, then you can start your story and become known to the land, maybe you'll even make it your own.
Become known as the ones that overcame it all."

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