Eclipse Tear (Part 4)

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Cody and I headed to our first class of the day, Divination. Cody said that we would be learning about our futures by looking at Eclipse Tears. I was confused about what they were at first but Cody explained, they were a powerful elixir, that shows the true colours of a person. We entered class and sat down, the room settled to a hushed whisper as we both entered. Because I already have my fairy tale I was bumped up into the higher classes, but obviously, that drew a bit of unwanted attention as finding your fairy tale as a first year was rare, let alone finding it on your first day. I sighed my head resting against the desk. The teacher walked in and introduced herself as Mrs Lyor. Due to my transformation, I missed out on about two weeks of class, so everything we were going over today had already been discussed. We skimmed over the topic and dove straight into the activity. Seeing our true colours through the eyes of the Eclipse Tears. As I was new the teacher brewed my elixir, requesting some of my tears for the potion. I couldn't exactly cry at will so I pricked myself with a needle until tears fell from my eyes. Mrs Lyor gladly took them and mixed them into the potion, I took it and we began. Ok class were going to go through each of you to see what colour you get, we will then read out the description. As you know, you must pour the elixir into the pool of water here, she motioned towards the large centre pedestal, And you will then receive your Colour. So first up. She paused for a moment and read, Valentina White. Would you please come up and present your Eclipse Tears. The teacher called as Valentina stood up and walked to the pedestal, pouring the elixir in the pool. The water glowed as the mixture combined and created a strong orange. Ooh how lovely, a student with a fiery and lovable soul, I think Orange suits your personality quite well, but it was certainly surprising. Can anyone read the description for a Burnt Orange soul? the teacher asked the class, a hand shot up and the person started reading. Burnt Orange souls are assimilated with sorcery, they possess the ability to bewitch any creature. They tend to have feisty personalities and are quick to hide their real selves. They are shrouded in secrets and are very powerful beings that can even twist the fates. They are however quite different to other Orange colours as they live more in darkness, but if times come to it, they will flip their ways and become driven defenders that will not back down. However, their fiery personalities can blind them and cause them to spiral downwards, overwhelming them to the point of almost no return. The boy finished, proud of his response. Well done and students I must remind you, what the Eclipse Tears speak is not always the foreseen future, do not let what they speak consume you. Now Cody Strong can you please come forward. Mrs Lyor reminded, I watched in anticipation as the colour was whisked away from sight as Cody stood up, like Valentina, she poured her mixture into the pool. I watched in awe as the pool turned to a sharp green, Cody was smiling, she must already know the meaning of her soul, I remember her telling me about it. A student started reading the description for Emerald Green. A holder of an Emerald Green Tear, possess the abilities of kindness and stability. They tend to surround themselves in the safety of others and will not stop until all are happy and healthy. This can become a great pressure on them as they wish to fix all problems, however, it is merely impossible. This weight then rests heavily on them. They are however a great source for support and are very good listeners that will do anything in their power to heal others. Emerald Green Tears are different from other shades of green as they possess the ability of healing, they may not all possess magical abilities but they do all have that power buried deep within them. I looked over at Cody who now was walking back, taking her seat next to me, her ruby eyes sparkled as looked over at her guide Kacey. The teacher continued to call names until finally, it was my turn. Jade Lane. the teacher called looking around for me. I stood up slightly shaking from the nerves. So far the only colours that had been seen were blues, greens, reds, oranges, yellows, pinks and greys. I was scared of what I would get, all had very interesting qualities, with some very nerve-racking liabilities. I let out a sigh as I poured the liquid into the pool, it twisted and changed colours as if deciding what form to take. The teacher stepped up next to me, observing the twisting pool. As we watched the liquid started to rise out of the pedestal, then it suddenly turned into a cloud of mist, I stared wide-eyed. Not one had turned out like this, what did I do wrong, how had I messed up. I started panicking but the teacher soon knocked me out of my thoughts. Oh my, what an interesting shape, ah and look, your colour is starting to come through, hmm it appears to be changing to a blue. Wait a moment, huh, oh my, that is a very clear purple. Give me one moment my dear. Ms Lyor hurried over to her desk and grabbed ahold of a large book and started flipping through it. When she finally landed on the page she was looking for, she turned her gaze to me the glowing purple mist, then shot her gaze from my colour to the book, she looked frantically through the book, as if praying for something. She then let the page slip back to its original position. Her movement was hesitant as she walked back over, the whole class now stared at us Um, sweetheart, I dont know how to tell you this but, you got Violet. the teacher spoke in a grave voice, I heard the flutter of pages behind me, a voice spoke up Violet. A very rare colour that is paired to people who are interested in the finer things in life, they tend to be loyal and dedicated protectors and are willing to sacrifice all for the well being of others. Like all colours, Violet has some qualities that may harm the holder, as Violet is seen as a unique and ever-changing colour there is much debate over its accuracy. People that are paired with Violet tend to have a fate twisted in mystery as well as misery. Although it is a strong and favoured colour, it comes at a high cost. Normally, Violet is mixed up with the other variations of the purple identity, but never mistake it as it can cost the host dearly, mostly in the form of lost loved ones. Make no mistake, Violet bearers are rare, but are dearly in danger, of either themselves or the world around them. The girl finished, her voice saddened as she read, I dont think any of us were expecting that result. I turned to the colour as it now seemed to dangerously glow, the teacher caught my gaze and quickly ushered it away. Ok class, that certainly was very, um, interesting. Well, you're all dismissed, and Jade the principal wishes to see you in his office. The teacher spoke, clearly concerned and nervous about this whole ordeal, she was fidgeting with everything and anything she could get a hold of. I stepped out the door and braced myself for another visit to the principal.

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