8. Second Worst Thing

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3rd Person:

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3rd Person:

Once Jake Peralta heard the news about him giving his case to Keith Pembroke, also known as the Vulture he already wasn't in the mood by this made it worse.

After his little stunt of purposely dropping off his best friend at the wrong restaurant for her date, Scarlett hasn't helped him let alone talk to him unless it was necessary.

He didn't know why he did it, the idea of her dating a random stranger he didn't know didn't settle with him. He felt his stomach twist of the idea.

But ever since she has been treating him like a co-worker, a co-worker she hates, he didn't like working with anyone. He claimed to work better off alone, but everyone on the squad knew deep down it was a withdrawal of Scarlett ignoring him.

Scarlett thought nothing of it. She didn't feel bad about ignoring Jake, which she knew was a lie, he knew how important that date was for her.

She hasn't been on one since she first joined the precinct, which was well over 5 years ago. She need to mingle, after all her siblings are already having kids.

Mia had her nephew and from last she heard, expecting another child. Her beloved brother was a father to her wonderful nephew and for God sake he didn't know about the child until two years ago.

She was with him when they had to deal with Cipher and she stood beside him when they both went against their family. Hers went as far as betraying the family she made here, at the precinct.

When she got the call from Dom, who sounded ready to break down, she went AWOL. She left her phone that only had the detectives numbers, and her badge. She knew she would be in trouble with the law, but the family that took her in needed her, that was more important than her life here.

When Dom and her finally got Brian, Dom's son, back she was given the option to keep on the down low with her brother and nephew or come back and face the consequences.

She could've left, never came back. But something pulled her here, kept her here. She figured it was the friends, better word family, she made here at the precinct that kept her here.

She remembered so fondly of the last moment she saw Dom in person.


"Are you sure about that? We could go right now. Without looking back. You don't have to work the 8 to 5 job again." Dom spoke as he held his new found son.

Scar smiled as she shook her head. "As much as being known as a fugitive around the world sounds appealing but I can't. It may be a 8 to 5 job but somehow it doesn't bother me, it doesn't feel like a desk job. Besides, the detectives I've met there, besides Rosa, are my family now. And you know how family is important to me."

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