Chapter 18

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I had been anxious all week and now I was finally going to do it. I wanted to give Monique time before asking her on another date. I didn't want to seem too clingy or anything. If our first date was any indication, I'm sure a second date was definitely going to happen.

It was the best date I've ever been on and the conversation was very meaningful. I had something else in mind that I'm sure Monique would love for our next outing. I made it to her door and prepared myself to knock but heard voices.

"Okay so you're REALLY going to give Zyshonne a chance right?" The voice of her assistant Toni was heard. "Don't half-ass this date Mo."

"I won't Toni," Monique said. "You're right. It's only fair if I give them a fair shot."

"If you're really going to give them a fair shot then you should try to go out with Jamel again," another voice said. "You guys have a lot of physical chemistry, something you lack with that Jayden guy. I'm sure if you go in another setting things would be different. You could even build a deeper connection."

"Just because Jamel can turn her on doesn't mean that's grounds for a possible relationship. That guy's a player. He only wants to get in her pants."

"Stop fighting you guys," Monique sighed. "You guys fighting is not going to help me with my decision. But Toni's right Brooke. I can't choose a guy simply because he has a way with words and can make me horny. There needs to be something more. Although, I'm not so sure what yet."

"Go on this date with Zyshonne and you'll see," the assistant said. "And to make sure this date goes off without a hitch I'll even babysit. I miss my bugga boo. You should text Zyshonne so you two can figure out when your date will be. I'll call the shop to tell Let him know I'll watch Cadie."

"Zy still working for his uncle?" The other person asked. "At the delivery company right? What's it called? Ferguson Fast shipping or something?"

"Yeah he's still there. But it's not time for break so I doubt I'll reach him just yet."

"Still text because you know the moment he sees it he'll respond. Just tell him to give me a day and I'll babysit if necessary."

I slowly backed away from the door and went to my office. I was a bit upset about what I found out. I know we're not actually together officially but with the success of our first date I didn't think she would go and see other people. Based off what little was said about the dates I can tell she favored the other guy a bit over me and I didn't like that. I thought we had great chemistry. And now she's planning on going on a date with another guy and he seems to have her friend's support. 

Monique is the only woman I've been this interested in and I want to be able to explore our relationship more. But with her going on dates with other people I don't know if that would be possible. I don't want to be snuffed out so soon. I may have thought the date was successful but I'm obviously lacking something if she's dating other people. What would it be though? "That person did say Ferguson Fast Shipping right?" I mumbled turning towards my computer. I searched up the place and got an address. It's about a fifteen minute drive from the office. A pretty successful mom and pop shop. In war, it's normal to scope out the enemy and see what you're dealing with. If I can see who she's going out with then maybe I can figure out a plan to better myself on the next date. 

I wrote the address down and left. I ended up passing the place the first time since I was still getting used to the area. I pulled my car into their lot and looked at the place distastefully. I know I didn't have high standards for such a mediocre business but the place was worse than a dump. It has as much standard's as a pig's living quarters. I headed inside to see if I could find the person I'm looking for. I have no idea what he looks like so this is going to be difficult. 

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