Chapter 31

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It's Friday and momma finally let me go home. She figures I was lucid enough to survive on my own. I got my tests yesterday and was herpes free. Thank goodness! But the doctor did tell me to come back a few weeks later to get another test just to be sure but I was glad to know I don't have the virus. I haven't told anybody yet though. The devil inside me wants to make them worry a little bit more. 

I started cleaning up around the place since I haven't been here in a while. I was throwing away spoiled food when there was a knock on my door. "Better not be Jayden," I mumbled walking towards it. These past couple of days he left me alone and they were blissful for me. When I opened the door my legs were attacked by a little body. 

"Mo!" Cadie screamed. 

"Cadie? Girl what are you doing here? I thought I was picking you up from your granny house." 

"Decided to save you a trip," a deep voice said scaring the living shit out of me. 

"Zyshonne?!" I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't seeing things. 

"Mo daddy home!" Cadie said running back to Zy and jumping in his arms. "See?!" She pulled on his cheek to prove he was in fact standing before me.

"Damn girl, just pull my face off why don't you."

"Zy!" I ran into his chest and gave him a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay," I cried. 

"It's okay Mo," he soothed rubbing my back. "Everything's going to be alright."

I sniffed. "I was so worried about you. Don't ever do no dumb shit like that again!" I snapped hitting him. 

"Well damn. Just beat me up and I came all the way here just to surprise your mean ass."

"Somebody gotta beat some sense into you." I frowned. "I appreciate you standing up for me and taking action but you've got a daughter now Zy. You can't afford to leave her like that."

"I know Mo," he said walking inside the house. I was right on his tail preparing to chew him out for walking away from me while I was talking to his strong neck ass. "It was torture being locked up knowing my baby was out here suffering. I'll be more careful but I don't regret the shit. Jamel is foul as fuck for that."

"He was," I agreed. "But you fighting him landed you in jail. While he was walking free. You could've been serving five years easy."

"I hear you Mo." I rolled my eyes because I know he wasn't not listening at all. 

"Mo youtube," Cadie said pointing at my phone. I unlocked and gave it to her. She walked away to my room.

"So is everything good?" I asked. "Like what happened with the charges and stuff?"

"They initially arrested me on assault and battery but were trying to get my for attempted murder because apparently we beat Jamel into a coma."

"Seriously?" My jaw dropped. 

"Yeah so that's why they've been giving me the run-around all week with not giving me a phone call and other shit. Jamel still isn't out of the the woods yet though. He has severe swelling in his brain and he has stopped breathing a few times over the week. They were trying to wait and see if he'd kick the bucket and pin me for a murder charge."

"Oh god," I mumbled feeling the tears build up. 

"Don't cry Mo," he said pulling me into a hug. "It's cool. They think the pussy nigga is going to make it and that lawyer you hooked me up with got all the charges dismissed. I have to take some bullshit ass anger management classes but it's a better outcome than what I was looking at."

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