Chapter 36

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That's one way to end a date. We spent most of the night at the hospital waiting on some news about Keisha. I didn't care too much for the girl but she was Mo's friend and when Mo is upset so am I. The only thing Toni knows is that she fell in the bathroom and hit her head on the toilet seat. She thinks Keisha got drunk and was going to the bathroom and maybe lost her balance. The hospital sure was taking their sweet time letting us know what's going on. 

"Family of Keisha Thompson?" The girls got up and rushed over to the doctor. Damn near knocked the man down. 

"Is she okay? What happened?" They kept firing question after question.

"Chill," I told them. "So what's going on doc? Is she good?"

"She's stable," he said. "It's actually a miracle that she survived. Not only did she survive a blow so close to her temple but we found large amounts of painkillers mixed with alcohol in her system."

"You're saying she tried to commit suicide?" Monique said in shock. 

"Yes and she probably would have been successful had you not brought her here when you did. She suffered multiple seizures throughout the night and flatlined at least twice."

"Oh my god," Toni said looking ready to cry. 

"There's no swelling in the brain which was something we feared most especially with all those narcotics in her system. She just needed a few stitches. The more taxing part was dealing with the seizures and her heart stopping. Because of her obvious state of mind she will be on twenty-four hour watch until we see it's fit to release her."

"When will that be?" I asked. 

"We're not sure. She's subjected to be transferred to psychiatric facility once she feels lucid enough to walk."

"She's going to a mental institution?!" Toni asked. Mo started crying in her hands. "She's not crazy!"

"It's for her safety. She tried slitting her wrists with a scalpel sometime ago so we believe this is for her own benefit."

"Damn," I mumbled. "Is it safe for us to see her?"

"We have security in her room. I think she poses more of a threat to herself than others but she's not completely all there. She's up and if she's willing to talk you can talk but the visit will have to be quick. We want to keep anything that may be agitating to her to a minimum."

"Thanks." He showed us the way to her room. Keisha was in bed glaring at the security guard they had posted in here. She stopped when she saw us walk in though. 

"Keisha!" The girls ran to her but the security guy intervened. "What are you doing?!"

"Can't have you overstimulating her," the guy said.

"I'm not a damn child," Keisha glared at the man. "Y'all need to leave anyway."

"Hell no we're not leaving you," Monique said. "Why would you try to kill yourself Keisha?! If you were going through something you should've just told us! We're your friends!"

"No you're not!" she yelled. "The only reason I became friends with you was the same reason anyone else did. You're not my friend so get the hell out!"

"Aye you need to chill," I said getting upset. "The fuck are you so spiteful for huh? You're being a bitch for no damn reason."

"Fuck you," she sneered. 

"Take a damn look Keisha!" I yelled getting fed up. The guard was struggling to hold me back. "Who's here for you right now?! Who's always been there for you?! How can you sit your high yellow ass there and dare say these two are not your friends?! Toni saved your damn life and Monique dropped everything to come be here for you. How fucking ungrateful can you be?!"

"Zy," Mo tried to calm me down but I was heated than a motherfucker right now. 

"Zy's right Keisha," Toni said. "Whatever you're going through you should've came to us. We would've helped you."

"You can't help me," she said, her voice breaking. "No one can. It's too late."

"No it's not Keisha," Mo came up to her side. I think the security guard just gave up and took a seat in the corner to watch everything. "You have a second chance at life now. I'm sorry we weren't there to see the demons you were battling. To see the pain you were trying to hide. If we had seen that we would've never left you alone."

"Keisha, what's going on?" Toni asked. Keisha broke down and started telling them everything. I had to admit I was surprised she went through so much. It made me sick what those college niggas did to her and the fact her own parents didn't believe her. But even all of that didn't compare to the hate and rage I felt towards Jamel. Keisha hadn't opened up to anybody but him about her past and the nigga turned out to be a snake. He's the hay that broke the camel's back. 

Apparently her chances of reproducing after the rape were slim to none. That's how bad they fucked her up. There was severe damage done to her uterus. She could produce a child fine it's just her going through with child birth would've likely killed her or the baby. She was willing to take a chance and go through with the pregnancy even if it costs her life. But then she found out that Jamel was infected and herpes can cause a miscarriage so she lost her one chance because of that asshole. I should've killed him when I had the chance. This man is playing with people's lives. This girl put everything she had into him and he just broke her even more.

The girls cried together and promised to always be there for each other. It's obvious Keisha does need help so hopefully she gets it. The doctor asked us to leave a little later. "This is all my fault," Monique cried as we walked to my car. "I should've known. I should've seen it. All she ever wanted was to be an actress. I should've known something was up when she gave up on her dreams. If I had just pushed harder about what happened in college. I was so focused on myself-"

"Chill with that shit," I said getting upset. "Tell me Mo, how the fuck is any of this your fault? Huh? Keisha was going through a lot of shit and if she wanted to tell you she would've. It's not your fault. She was scared. The only person she had in her life that believed in her was you. She made up that fantasy life because she wanted YOU to be proud of her. It's not your fault for being a good person. She didn't want to disappoint you. You didn't put her in that hospital room. Jamel did. It'ssad she's going through this but the only way she can make it is if youcontinue being her friend. Be strong Mo. Keisha is a fighter. She relapsedslightly but she's going to get back and the only way that can happen is if shehas her friends."

"I just feel like...there's more I could've done. Everyone was always so preoccupied with me that we just skipped over her. Didn't ask what drama has been going on in her life. Everyone has always been preoccupied with me and what's going on in my life. I never once thought of asking them about theirs. I feel like a terrible friend."

"Everyone's got a battle Mo. It's not your fault she wanted to fight it alone. Keisha is just as stubborn as you are and probably wouldn't have told you. She fought as long as she could by herself. Now the only thing you can do is suck it up and help her fight. That's all you can do. Keisha is about to be on a long journey to recovery and the best you can do is see her through."

She sniffed and wiped the tears away. "You're right. Thanks Zy."

"No problem baby girl," I hugged her before helping her in my car. 

Sorry for the late update. Tell me what you think.

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