before i met you

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My thoughts on love are iffy
See, I never really believed
In soulmates, in love at first sight
In the butterflies in the stomach or the flip-flopping of one’s heart
Before I met you.

It’s not that I never wanted to believe
I loved the idea of love
Of the clouds parting because of a special someone
I just had never felt it
Before I met you.

I saw other people being happy with other people
Saying they were “so in love”
I thought they were immature, oblivious, and young
For awhile I thought I was the problem ‘cause I’d never understood
Before I met you.

“How can you tell if you’re in love?” I would ask
“I just do” “But how do you know?”
“Trust me, you’ll know.”
I never knew what love felt like
Until I met you.

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