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The little girl had left a life that wasn't even hers.

The moment she was placed under the care of her real mother, Mrs. Kim, she had been quiet and well-behaved. The teachings of being a good little girl still stuck to her like hard glue, for back at her old home, there was always an anticipating punishment for being naughty, and the thought of that slightly frightened her. And although the woman she was with would never dream of going too hard on her, Eunjin didn't know that. But for the most part, she didn't want to give off a bad impression, so she stayed in her own bubble, in her own little world, and had let her mother lead her to wherever they were going.

It had almost been a week and a half since she had stayed with Mrs. Kim and her husband, needless to say, she grew almost easily yet also silently attached to her— to them. The youngster hardly ever spoke, that was until she was drawn and lured into a small conversation between her and her parents. Little questions were gently dropped, mostly about what she liked; ranging from food to toys, and Eunjin liked that. She liked it when they asked, not that she exactly knew why, but it gave her a little sense of freedom to speak. 

Each time they asked, she questioned them back. It was only fair to the ten-year-old to interrogate them about their favorite color and food.

It seemed like Mr. and Mrs. Kim liked it when she asked them too.

Back to the present, it was slightly dreading, to breathe the air of a place that you have never been to. Just out from the airplane window view from earlier, there were huge buildings, houses, greenish fields, and fluffy clouds that were by the airplane's level. It was there that she had realized how she felt so small, that the world seemed like a limitless place to explore. Back in her old home, she knew every door, every wall, and every creak of the house. She had mapped it from top to bottom, memorizing each and every little inch from where the television was positioned, where the utensils were placed, or which window faced the street or the sea. She was even proud of herself for having to memorize everything, for she had all the time, and she was free to do anything. 

But at the moment, this whole new area, or rather, this new place, would be much harder to map, she could tell. 

It still didn't stop her from being in extreme wonder when they finally arrived at a place where Eunjin was, yet again, unfamiliar with. Despite in a vacuous place, Mrs. Kim held her small hand tightly, small glances that she often took note of. They reached the baggage area, where they would have to pick up their own. When her mother asked if she was alright, the youngster answered truthfully, saying that she was fine and that she enjoyed the plane ride really well. Her mother then explains rather briefly again as to why they were here, and it was around the lines of meeting her other brother.

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