Setting fire to to the dancefloor

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"Oh isn't it just the sweetest thing ever ?" Dahlia is leaning her head on my shoulder, after having cried her eyes out.

I look at Maddie with the little girl on her lap and Tom fussing over them. "That was an awesome thing Tom did there".

"I just knew she would be beside herself with happiness". She sighs and look at Stella sleeping in my arm. "You should put her in her carrycot".

"So for how long did you know ? I mean as you helped with the video I am guessing you knew". I nod towards the happy family.

She breathes in deeply. "I have known for a while. Sorry I didn't tell you love, but Tom made me promise not to".

"Oh so I was not to be trusted I see". I get up and go to put down Stella, watching her for a minute while she sleeps. "Good to know".

"Zac don't do this". Dahlia grabs my arm. "It's just.. you get so excited, and then Your mouth tend to.. run away with you".

I look down. I mean I know it's kind of stupid. But so much has happened lately and my feelings might be a bit on the edge. "It's not like I mean to".

"I know babe, and I love that side of you. I love that you get so excited about things. Now come on and dance with me my handsome husband". She say pulling me towards the dance floor that has just been cleared.

"Well how can I say no to that". We walk past Maddie's twin brother on the way. "Not to sound jealous, but I don't like the way that guy looks at you".

"Logan ?" She looks back at him and I nod. "Well, if he wants to look, let's give him a show. Show him how it's done".

I slide my arm around her. To be honest I know I have nothing to fear. But still don't like him looking at my wife like that. "Come on darling, let's set fire to that dance floor".

Honestly I love dancing with her. Well I love every excuse to have her body close to mine and my arms around her.

I watch Maddie with Anele. Feeling my heart swell to the brink of bursting. My family, everything I ever wanted. And I can't wait for tomorrow when I finally get to call her my wife.

"I think someone is tired". Maddie say softly, looking first at me, then at the almost sleeping girl on her lap.

I get up, lifting Anele up into my arm. "Come let's get you to home to sleep then. It is going to be a long day tomorrow".

As the traditions demands, we will not spend the last night together. But because of Anele I am leaving the house to Maddie and staying in a hotel myself.

"That sounds like a good idea. But you don't have to take us Tom. I can just take a cab". She say.

I shake my head. "No cookie, I'll have the car take us home and tuck you both in before the car takes me to the hotel".

Arriving at the house, Anele is completely asleep in my arms and Maddie unlocks the door for me to carry her inside.

"So you want her in our room or the guest room ?" I ask her.

"Our". She say, leading the way. "Just in case she wakes up. She would be scared to wake up in a strange house and bed".

I gently put our daughter down on the bed. "Just admit, you want to snuggle up with her".

"Yeah okay, maybe I do. Especially with you not being here with me". She say, sliding her arm around my neck, kissing me softly.

After a couple of minutes I break the kiss. "If you go get ready for bed so I can tug you in, then I just get her out of the dress and under the covers".

"Thanks.. daddy". She smiles at me, and disappear into the bathroom.

I manage to get the dress of Anele and tug her under the covers, without her waking up. I lean down to kiss her cheek. "Sleep well princess".

Five minutes later Maddie walks in, wearing a pair of my tight boxers and an even tighter tank top. My throat going dry. "And how do you expect me to leave you for the night looking like that ?"

"Something wrong boo ?" She twirls in front of me. And honestly she should be rather happy that there is a little girl sleeping in our bed.

I grab her, pulling her up to wind her legs around my waist. "So who are you, and what have you done to my shy Maddie ? Not that I am complaining at all".

"Well, someone might be so sexy I have a hard time controlling myself". She grins, running her fingers through my hair.

I kiss her, before gently laying her on the bed, unwinding her legs and pulling the covers over her. "Sleep well cookie.. see you tomorrow, I'll be that guy waiting at the altar".

I am awakened by someone softly calling for me and wake up to find Anele sitting up, stroking my hair and cheek, calling for me.

"Did you have a bad dream Mwana ?" I ask softly and she nods. I hold out my arms. "Come her sweetie, you can sleep in my arms and I'll protect you. We need to be fresh for tomorrow".

She snuggles into me, and I fold my arms around her. Her voice almost a whisper. "What is tomorrow ?"

"Tomorrow is a wedding, I am going to get married to Tom.. daddy". I tell her, gently stroking her back. I can't believe she is here. That Tom really did this.

She looks up at me. "What is wedding ?"

"It is a big party, with pretty clothes and after that we will be a family forever". I say, lean down to kiss her on the hair.

"I like that". She mumbles and snuggle into me, quickly falling asleep.

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