How did Rapunzel end in the tower ?

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"Have you seen the dogs ?" Zac asks from the bed, where he is laying naked watching me get dressed.

"Well no not for the last couple of hours. I'll go check on them while you get dressed". We have Molly with us as we are going to be away for so long and we are dog sitting Bobby. Luckily the dogs seems to like each other.

Zac rolls over on his back, stretching his glorious body. "Why even bother with clothes ?"

"Because I am pretty sure Tom and Maddie prefer not to have you naked ass on their couch. No matter how cute it is". I say, shaking my head as I walk out the room.

I call for the dogs, checking on Stella on the way down. Her traveling crib is in Tom and Maddie's bedroom and she is sleeping soundly. But the dogs is nowhere to be found and they are not coming as I call for them.

  I walk downstairs and as I open the door to the kitchen I stop in my track.. oh shit.. then I hear Zac come down the stairs and I quickly close the door.

"Did you find the dogs ?"

I shake my head. "No, nope.. Let's go look somewhere else".

"Okay, I'll just go grab a glass of water". He say, reaching for the door.

I block his way, holding onto the doorknob. "No you can't.. the water is.. broken.. the faucet I mean".

"Kitten, what is it you don't want me to see in..". His eyes go wide. "No.. no, no, no my precious little Molly girl is getting defiled.. Used by that mut. Isn't she ? I have to stop it".

"Zac don't..".

To late, he pulls the door open and freezes on the spot, closing the door again, a rather shocked expression on his face. "Maybe we just need to.. leave".

"I think that is a brilliant idea". I gently take his hand. "Done is done and can't be undone, so you might just have to live with it.. gramps".

"Yeah, don't ever call me that again .. especially if you ever want sex again". He say shaking his head.

I giggle, pulling him along. "Yeah, like you could keep that".

"Want to bet.. I bet you will come begging first". He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I shrug. "I am not even denying it, but I also know how to make you want it so badly you would never say no".

He looks about to object, but then he smiles. "Yeah, can't deny that".

I jump up on his back, my arms around his neck, he staggers for a single step, grabbing hold of my legs. I lean down to whisper in his ear. "We make a great couple right ?"

"We do kitten.. but watch out with the sneak attacks, what if I didn't catch you ? Remember you are pregnant". He scold me.

"So was I last night and earlier today.. you didn't treat me like a fragile flower then". I say giggling, kissing him right below the ear.

He chuckles. "Well that's something else and the bed is soft".

"Yeah, and we never ever did it anywhere beside the bed right ?" I giggle as he leans back, letting me slide down on couch.

"I have no memory of such depravity". He say with a happy laugh. "Maybe you have to remind me how that goes".

I shake my head. "Remember we made a deal, we are going to watch this movie, no sex this time.. so behave".

"Yeah.. It better be a really good movie then.. I mean to be worth the sacrifice". He snuggle up on the big couch, his head in my lap. "We need to get a couch like this.. something long enough for my legs".

I slowly run my hand through his hair, it has started getting a bit long and honestly I love it like this, but I know it will have to go when we get to Canada. So I need to play with it as much as possible while I can.

"I like Your hair like this". I mumbles, winding a curl around my finger. "These curls are so soft".

"I kind of noticed.. but it's easier to handle when it's short". He chuckles softly. "I like you playing with it though".

A message pling in on Zac's phone. And I suddenly get this feeling. "Zac you should check your phone".

"Nah it can wait, probably not important". He snuggles farther down.

"Zac..please check Your phone". I push slightly at him.

He sigh and sit up, pulling his phone out, looking at it. "Okay this is actually weird".

"Weird ? What is it Zac and from who ?" I suddenly feel my heart beat wildly in my chest.

"It's from an unknown number and it only say 'how did Rapunzel end up in the tower'.. I mean what does that mean ?" He looks at the phone, then at me.

He is right, that is very weird. "She got stolen by the witch, from her bed".

"Yeah I know but..".

We hear a sound from upstairs and stare at each other. "Stella !"

I have never seen Zac move so fast, taking the stairs in 3 big strides. His voice scared as he mumbles. "No, no, no".

He reaches the bedroom far ahead of me.

The sound coming from him tells me that something is wrong. I don't know if it is a scream or a sob, but it is the most pain filled sound I ever heard, and I almost can't get myself to go in there.

Zac is standing by the crib, a baby blanket in his hand. "She is gone.. she took her.. that fucking bitch took her".

I feel my legs give in, my baby is gone, my sweet little girl. "No, please no".

"She is not getting away with this. We will get her back. I promise you". Zac is gently lifting me up and carrying me to the guest room, sitting me down on the bed.

"Oh God Zac.. what is she doing to our little girl ?" I feel my body tremble. The mere thought of something happening to my baby girl is too much to handle.

Zac is pacing the floor, his phone to his ear. "I am calling the police. I am sure she won't hurt her. She is just trying to scare us".

I close my eyes, hiding my face in my hands as Zac calls the police. I hope he is right. Oh God I hope he is right.

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