Fun at the beach

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"So what do you want to do after lunch Anele ?" I look at our little princess. Honestly I still can't wrap my mind about the fact that I am now a father. But to me it makes no difference that she isn't biologically ours, she is still our daughter.

She looks thoughtful for a moment, then she looks out the window. "Ocean.. see the ocean papa ?"

"You want to go see the ocean ?" I ask and she nods excitedly. "Sure we can go down to the beach and see the ocean".

When we have finished eating Maddie comes over to give me a soft kiss. "If you take her for a walk I'll get the clothes unpacked".

"Okay then". I look at Vera. "What about you sweetie, do you want to come for a walk ?"

"Nah I think you two should go alone. I'll clean up here and unpack my own clothes and Anele's". She says with a smile.

I get up. "Come Mwala let's go find you bathing suit".

"Yeah". She jumps up looking very excited.

Maddie hugs her. "Go get changed sweetie, so you can go watch the ocean with daddy".

Anele runs of to her room and I follow. "I better stop her from spreading the clothes everywhere".

Luckily she hasn't managed to open her suitcase. So I lift it up on the bed and open it. Finding the two bathing suits me and her had picked out at the store. "So which one sweetie".

"Mingo.. mingo.. pink mingo". She say pointing to the pink one with a flamingo on. She also picked that in the store.

"Take of Your clothes then and I'll help you get it on". I say with a smile.

She quickly take off her clothes and fold it neatly on her bed. She is such a sweet girl. "All done daddy".

"You better go to the toilet first, so we don't have any accidents". Mom told me she had a couple of accidents there, because she was to caught up in playing, so I try to remind her.

She runs out into the bathroom, and I can hear that it was a good idea reminding her. Shortly after she flush and the water runs. Then she comes out. "I pee daddy".

"Yeah you did, that was good". I smile at her. "Did you remember to dry of ? And to wash Your hands ?"

"Did daddy, did". She looks so proud.

"Good girl. Come here get Your flamingo on then". I help her into the bathing suit and grab a towel. "Let's get down to the ocean".

She takes my hand and we walk outside, starting to walk along the path towards the beach. She keeps pointing and asking questions about everything and I try to answer her to my best ability.

At the end of the path is a pretty steep flight of stairs. Anele looks down. "Uh far down daddy".

"Yeah there is a long way down sweetie. But look hold here on the railing and hold my hand too, then you are safe". I say softly, pointing at the railing.

She slowly makes her way down the first couple of steps, but then she stops looking at me. "Daddy.. scared".

"Come here sweetie, I'll carry you". I say scoping her up into my arms, carrying her down the stairs.

I slowly make my way down to the beach, with her on my arm. She has her short arms wound tightly around my neck and her face hidden against my shoulder.

When I step down on the sand I gently rub her back. "We are down now sweetie, you can look again".

She slowly lifts her head and looks around. Her voice in awe. "So big".

"Yeah it is mwala, the ocean is very big. And we need to watch out when near it. Never go into the water alone okay ?"

"Okay". She say nodding. "Down now".

I gently put her down and she quickly grab my hand, clutching it in hers. I reach down, taking some sand in my hand. "Look sweetie, how white and soft the sand is".

She holds her hand out, trying to catch the grains of sand slipping through my fingers, giggling excitedly when they touch her skin. "Tickles".

I take more sand, letting it run into her tiny hand and she squeals with delight, a sound that goes straight to my heart, making it burst open with love and happiness.

After having played with the sand for a bit, she thugs at my hand. "Water.. go water".

"Let's go down to the water then.. dad just need to take of his shoes". I sit down and take of my shoes and socks".

As I get up she takes my hand again, pulling me towards the water, and I chuckle happily. Seeing her this happy and exited is worth everything.

Just as we reach the water a small wave comes in, splashing our feet and Anele scream jumping away from the water.

"It's okay sweetie, look, it's not dangerous". I stay ankle deep in the warm water holding my hand out to her. "I promise I will protect you. Nothing will happen".

"Safe ?" She ask with huge eyes, looking at the water lapping around my feet.

I nod, reaching my hand a little further. "Totally safe, I promise you. Come take my hand. The water is nice and warm".

She slowly walks closer, hesitating for a moment before stepping into the water and grabbing my hand. She looks at her feet moving through the water. I can't help smiling. "See sweetie, nice and warm right ?"

"Yeah warm.. nice daddy.. feels nice and fun". She moves her foot through the water.

"Come try and sit down". I say squatting down, ignoring that the bottom of my shorts gets wet.

She sits down and giggle, the water reaching around her belly button when she is sitting and she runs her hands through the water. Then suddenly she splashes water at me, giggling happily.

"Oh you want a water fight, do you ?" I splash a tiny bit, not wanting to risk her getting scared.

"Water fight". She squeal and launches herself at me.

"Did she like the water ?" I hear the door open and turn to look at Tom, stopping in my track. He is literally dripping. "What happened ?"

"Someone kind of knocked me over in the water.. and yes she definitely like the water.. a lot". He say, pulling of the soaked shirt.

I can't help laughing and he throws the wet shirt at me, making me squeal. "Hey behave Mr Hiddleston or I'll have our 3 Year old duck you in the pool too".

"What about you come here and kiss me instead of being so cheeky ?" He reach for me.

"Oh no, not while you are wet". I shake my head, moving away.

He wiggles his eyebrows. "Will I need to come get you ?"

In a flash he pounch at me, grabbing me and pulling me into his arms, kissing my face, and rubbing against me. "Eww Tom, you are getting me all wet".

"Admit it, you love it when I get you wet". He chuckles against my ear, making me slap his shoulder.

"Scoundrel is what you are.. and a damn good father".

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