Chapter 4

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fun fact this story took me two whole years to actually finish editing and writing because I'm a lazy piece of shit :)

burning desire
chapter four
|| awkward conversations ||

Lance lead Keith to the living room where Maria was, sitting on a plush baby blue four seater. "V said you wanted to see us?" Maria nodded "come, sit" she said gesturing to the light grey three seater that sat opposite her. Lance proceeded with caution sitting down. Keith tilted his head and sat down next to him, curling up against the arm rest, watching Maria.

Maria looked at Keith then at Lance "mi hijo you didn't tell me about this handsome young boy in your life, why not?" Lance sighed thinking for a second "Mama I just meet Keith about 2 weeks ago so he's still new in my life" Maria cut him off "You didn't hesitate to talk to me when you met that nice Allura why was Keith any different" Lance looked at Keith for support "well uh"

Keith gasped, pretending to be very offended. "Why haven't you talked about me, Lance?" He asked, pouting and crossing his arms. Lance's stared at Keith bewildered 'oh my god he useless...' Lance thought to himself before responding "u-uh I guess the conversation just never came up"

Keith grinned evilly at him and shook his head. "what a shame." he sighed. Lance internally screamed before sighing Lance as he shrugged "sorry?" Maria looked sympathetically towards Keith "your poor boyfriend qué lástima" Lance whined feeling attacked but spoke up "excuse me. boyfriend?"

Keith coughed, almost falling off the couch. "Um- sorry Mrs. McClain but-..." Maria raised an eyebrow and looked between the two. "Mama please" Lance looked at Keith 'okay I know you can hear me what the hell do we do! can you actually try being helpful"

Maria crossed her arms. Keith only smiled innocently at him. 'She's your mom'. Lance scoffed looking away 'yeah and you're the one who decided to dig us a hole by being so offended' Maria watched closely at the two boys

Keith hummed and smiled at Maria. 'alright alright I'll do something' He shrugged at Maria. "As he's said, I've only known Lance for two weeks...not much happens then". Maria tilted her head "so you are not trying to court my son?" Lance choked on thin air and started coughing "m-mama!"

Keith coughed and looked away. "I- um...what?!" He spluttered out, cheeks going red. Maria looked confused by the boys reaction "well my son is quite handsome and you yourself are quite the same I thought for sure you'd be courting my son" Lance felt his cheeks burning "Mamá, ¿qué diablos estás haciendo, por favor deja de hablar"

Keith's cheeks burned and he rubbed his face. "I'm not saying your son is unattractive- not at all but-" He rambled on nervously, waving his arms around a bit.

Lance huffed having enough of this conversation "okay we're done here. he's not my boyfriend" With his tanned skin burning a deep red Lance grabbed Keith's wrist and pulled him out of the room towards the stairs. Keith blinked and almost fell off of the couch, before hurrying after him. As they headed for the stairs his siblings all snickered "remember to be safe" Luis smirked "use protection" Veronica teased Rachel and Marco laughed along with their siblings as Lance pulled Keith upstairs slamming his bedroom door behind them.

The pale demon yawned when he reached Lance's room, soon shifting back to the small black cat with a quiet meow seemingly unbothered by the recent events. Lance smiled weakly his cheeks still flushed as he looked at Keith leaning down, carefully putting his hand out to pet Keith's head.

burning desire || klance auWhere stories live. Discover now