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November 4th, 2009

In a small town in Colorado, there was a street with one particular house with a white picked fence.

In that house, on the second floor was a woman with long brown hair and brown eyes whom had a baby in her arms. She was softly rocking the baby back and forth before putting him in the crib. She looked down at the baby and smiled. She caressed his cheek with her finger, when she suddenly felt a presence behind her. The woman slowly stood straight and turned around, not afraid to put up a fight. 

When she turned around and saw who it was she let out the breath that she had been holding and made a sarcastic remark.

''Geez Lex you could've said something'' The woman laughed, before she realised something ''Wait, how did you come in? You're not invited in.. Oh shit'' 

Before her stood one of her good friends Lexi, who looked equally shocked. ''You can see me!?Nobody else can'' She looked displeased ''and believe me I've tried''

''Wait you're dead? How? What happened?'' The woman was stunned, Lexi had always been careful and never did anything that could expose her. The blonde let out a scoff. ''Damon  Salvawhore, that's what happened. The scumbag stabbed me in the back, well, front if you want to get technical'' 

''But why? I mean I knew things weren't great between you guys after you, well you know sle-'' The woman got quickly cut off by her friend ''Yeah yeah we both know what happened no need to say it out loud, the douchebag wanted to get the humans off his and Stefan's back'' 

After being silent for a few seconds Lexi continued ''How can you even see me? I mean I've tried everyone I know before I came to check up on you and no one could see or hear me. I need answers Karie or I'll go more crazy then I already am.'' 

The woman who went by the name Karianne sighed. She was afraid that Lexi would ask questions the second she knew that the original could see her ''It's a pretty long story, I'm going to tell some things that you can't tell to anyone okay? I know you, so don't go around and tell other people. By the way how's Stefan? I haven't talked to him in like what? 10 years?'' She tried to subtly change the subject.

Lexi nodded and agreed to not tell anyone ''Stefan could use your help, Damon is constantly on his back because of the whole 'misery for eternity' thing. Oh! He's got a girlfriend and get this, she looks the exactly like Katherine!'' 

This information was even more shocking to Karianne ''Like a döppelganger?'' she asked. Lexi nodded before answering ''Exactly, it was like someone copied the bitch and made her much nicer but with a whiny mood'' 

Karianne snorted ''Of course it would be Stefan who'd end up with a Katherine lookalike. It sound like he doesn't need my help. I could always catch up with him and if he does need my help, I'll stay. Where is he anyway?'' 

Lexi let out a laugh ''He's in a small town in Virginia, it's called Mystic Falls. I was also wondering if you could give someone a message for me'' 

''Sure no problem'' Karianne started ''I've given many people messages over the years, who do you want me to give a message to? Stefan?'' Lexi shook her head ''No, my boyfriend, Lee. He hasn't heard from me since I went to Stefan' for his birthday and I think he might be worried'' 

The brunette nodded ''Okay, I'll track him down, you can come with if you want. I need a few weeks to pack everything up here, I can't really leave the Carver's without a nanny'' 

Lexi looked at her weird ''You're a nanny? Why? I mean it's not something I would see myself doing if I had eternal life'' Karianne chuckeled, before looking down at the baby who was sound asleep with a smile on her face. ''Well you know that vampires can procreate and I'm over it but I still want to have some part of 'motherhood' '' She made quotation signs with her fingers  ''even if it's not my own blood'' 

The blonde gave her a sad smile understanding the feeling of not being able to be a mother. ''So how long have you been a nanny? And you changed they subject, how can you see me?'' 

Karianne sighed, not really wanting to answer the question ''Well, I've been doing this since like 1578 so if it's 2009 today that means I've been 'nannying' '' She made the quotation signs again ''for like 431 years, give or take'' Lexi looked at her shocked ''But when I met you in 1922 you said that you had been a vampire for only a couple of years!'' she exclaimed.

The Original vampire looked kinda guilty ''Yea.. a couple of hundred years. I always tell people that I was turned a few years ago to keep questions like the ones that you have right now unasked'' 

''So when were you turned?'' Was the first question of many more Lexi would ask that night. Karianne sighed ''That is one of them but okay since you kind of deserve the thruth I'll be honest. Have you heard of the Original Family?'' 

Lexi thought for a second before answering ''Yeah, they were the first vampires ever created right? And I know that there are 5 of them, but I could be wrong 'cause I heard it through folklore''

''Well'' Karianne began ''There are six actually'' Karianne began to look kind of guilty ''and I'm kinda one of them''

Lexi looked shocked ''Wait what? But you're so nice and I've heard that the Originals are mon-'' The brunette cut her off ''Monsters? Yea I've heard the stories, which is why I never tell people who I really am because they would probably use me for revenge. I mean my family made a lot of enemies over the centuries. Plus I don't really like to reveal that part of me'' 

The brunette walked out of the nursery and down the stairs to the living room when Lexi concluded ''So you're a thousand year old vampire? That still doesn't explain why you can see me. And for what it's worth, I wouldn't use you for revenge, Hell I've never even met any of your siblings'' 

That made the Original smile ''Thanks Lex, that means a lot.'' She sighed before continuing ''I can see you because a thousand years ago I used to be a witch, like my mother.  When I turned something happened and since then I can communicate with beings on The Other Side'' 

It took Lexi a few seconds to grasp the information that Karianne just told. ''Damn, can you only talk to them or'' Lexi took a few steps towards Karianne and tried to grab her arm. Lexi could actually feel her, while when she tried to feel Lee, she couldn't. ''also touch them. Karie I can feel you!'' She exclaimed with glee before pulling on of her best friends into a bone-crushing hug. 

Karianne let out a small chuckle before returning the hug. ''Yea that's one more thing, if I want I can touch them but if I just concentrate'' she said before she closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them she saw the look on Lexi's face. Her face said it all. Lexi could not feel Karianne anymore. Lexi looked dumbfounded ''Wow that's really cool''

Karianne smiled and took a step backwards to get out of the hug. She looked at her watch ''Okay well the parents will be back in like 15 minutes, I'm gonna go and clean up. I will be going to Mystic Falls in a few weeks and then I'll go to Lee, sounds fair?'' 

Lexi smiled at Karianne ''Yea sounds good to me, goodnight Karie'' Lexi said before disappearing. Karianne made her way up the stairs again to clean up any mess that was made in the nursery. ''Goodnight Lexi''

~A little author's note because I have some questions for you guys~

Do you like the way Karianne speaks? Because I made her vocabulary more like the 21th century instead of old fashioned like Elijah and Klaus (cant wait to write those scenes tbh) so I kinda want opinions on that

Also this is the first time I really tried to write since like 2015, do you like my writing style? Because if I look at it too long I'll hate what I wrote so idk. I think that my writing will improve if I just keep writing and get feedback (I hope so) So just stick with me till then because I have some cool ideas. 

Also pt. 2: English is not my native language so there could be mistakes in grammar and spelling, so if you could kindly point it out if you have the time, I will be forever grateful 

Kay, bye!

Pt. 3 : I just updated this chapter and I will probably do it more times in the future. I just looked it over and I just don't like some parts but I had this idea for the first chapter so I wanted to put it in. Anywho the next chapter should be up soon.

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