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November 28th 2009,

A few weeks later,

''I hear the ticking of the clock, I'm lying here the room's pitch dark'' Karianne was softly singing along with the radio while driving. ''I wonder were you are tonight, no answer on the telephone'' 

A sign flashed by with the words 'Welcome to Missouri' At this point she had been driving for around 11 hours. She really had to stop promising things to everyone she thought to herself. But Karianne liked a good roadtrip, especially because she gets to sing her favorite 80's song quite loudly.

''And the night goes by so very slow, oh I hope it won't end though. Alone'' She was banging her head with the music, waiting for the drop. It was real quiet on the road, given it was 3 am.

''Til now! I always got by on my own! I never really cared until I met you! And now it chills me to the bone! How do I get you alone! How do I get you alone'' she sang loudly. She turned down the volume a bit before saying ''You know, it is not nice to watch people if they don't know you're there''

She heard a laugh coming from her passenger seat, which was empty a few seconds ago. She looked over and saw Lexi sitting there with a big grin on her face. ''Didn't know you were a fan of the 80's Kare, but you do have good taste. How did you know I was here?''

Karianne nodded as a 'thank you' to what Lexi said. ''Well you were never 'sneaky' when you were alive and you give off a big wave of energy'' She saw Lexi nodding in the corner of her eye. ''That's true, anyway back to the song, good choice considering where we are headed'' She said with a wink.

The Original laughed, in the early 40's Lexi thought that Stefan and Karianne would make a great couple. Spoiler alert, they never became a thing. That didn't stop Lexi from trying though. 

''If you're talking about Stefan, stop. And by the way, he has a girlfriend! Believe me even if I wanted to be with Stefan-'' Lexi cut her off ''Which you do, I've seen the looks'' Karianne looked away from the empty road to give her dead undead best friend a look. ''Even if I wanted to be with Stefan, he has a girlfriend. And I am not the kind of girl who goes around to steal boyfriends, or girlfriends'' She said that last part with a wink.

Lexi gave the Original a look ''Owh come on! That girl is human, one day they'll realise that their relationship won't work out if Elena doesn't become a vampire and believe me she won't'' Karianne shot her friend another look ''Okay well until any of that happens, I am not going to meddle with his relationship okay I don-'' She was cut off again ''Aha! That means you do want to be with him'' Lexi looked proud of her deduction.

Karianne sighed ''Owh come on Lex, that is the same bullshit as 'Owh! You're blushing when I say his name! That must mean you like him!' that happens in middle school'' Lexi went to say something but Karianne cut her off ''And! I have not seen him in like ten or eleven years. He might want nothing to do with me. Which is good because that means I'm not stuck in a small town because I feel the need to help people'' 

Oh how wrong that statement was.

Lexi claimed defeat ''Okay what ever you say, by the way you never really explained your whole 'situation'. I mean, why does no one know that there is a sixth Original?'' Karianne stared at the road for a second before answering

''In 1001, when we were turned, the six of us fled to Europe. My siblings caused great bloodshed. When the humans, whom we were living with at the time, found out what we were, they came after us so we had to flee again. I decided that we would be safer if we split up, I traveled with my brothers Finn and Kol for about 100 years before I wanted to go see the world alone. Since then, I have changed my last name tremendous amounts of times because people began to know the Mikealson name and what it stood for'' 

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