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It's a pretty big chapter so be prepared! xx

Autumn of 1001,

After Henrik died the Mikealson family was never the same. Niklaus was never the same. Karianne tried numerous amounts of times to tell her older brother, whom she looked up at, that it wasn't his fault for being curious. But Niklaus never believed her.

Then one night while she was trying to sleep, she heard her sister Rebekah get up and out of curiosity, Karianne followed her. She heard her father, mother and Ayana speak to eachother. When Rebekah saw her younger sister had followed she put a finger up to her lips as a way to tell her to be quiet.

''Please, Ayana, I implore you'' Her father began ''You must call upon the spirits before the next full moon''  Karianne looked at Rebekah and slowly shook her head, it was not a good idea.

''I will not'' Ayana declared  ''It is a crime against nature'' and that was true. The very first things Karianne learned was that a witch is a Keeper of Balance, that meant that you may never go against nature for personal gain. This was exactly what her mother and father were asking of Ayana.

''Ayana, we have already lost too much'' her mother meant Henrik, they lost him when he and Niklaus went to see the men change into beasts. She would never blame Niklaus for it, but if they weren't there that night, nothing would have happened. 

Now knowing this, there would be no reason to call on the spirits, if they just stay in the caves during the next full moons everything would be fine.

''We cannot lose anymore. The spirits can help us find a way to protect our children''  Esther claimed. Karianne' eyebrows knotted in confusion. She had lived among the werewolves for all her life, she even was friends with some of them. She knew that they had nothing to fear.

Mikeal, her father, came up with some ridiculous ideas and he was trying to convince Ayana to consider it. ''Everything could be heightened. Our family could live forever'' This scared Karianne. She knew what she wanted out of life, she wanted a normal and peaceful life with a husband and children. She did not want to live forever under any circumstances.

But it was out of her control.

''At what cost?'' Ayana began to become angry and so was Karianne ''This magic you speak of breeds consequence. This is the making of a plague, Esther.'' Karianne didn't understand it at the time why this one thing that could 'save' her family would be a plague, she later realised how naive she was. ''The spirits will turn on you'' Ayana stated. This made Karianne scared, one thing that made her feel alive was her magic. If that suddenely went away, she would not know what to do.

Esther begged ''Please, Ayana'' Karianne looked at Rebekah once more and shook her head again, this was not a good idea. ''I will have no part in it'' Ayana declared and walked out their house.

''If she will not protect our family'' her father began ''then it is in your hands alone, my love''

Knowing that the conversation was coming to an end, Karianne and Rebekah walked back to the room they all slept in and went to sleep. 

But before Karianne really went to sleep she asked something of the spirits ''Please, if there are any spirits here with me, please protect me from this evil my mother and father speak of, I want no part in it'' When she felt nothing happen she thought no one was there to help her and went to sleep. Little did she know, there were spirits on The Other Side who heard her prayers.

The next day Karianne woke up and did her usual chores. She didn't know what to do with the information that she held. Her older sister said that they shouldn't say anything to anyone about what they heard. Because of what Rebekah said, Karianne decided that she would try and ignore and dodgde her other siblings. That day she had agreed to a lesson from Ayana.

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