f u t u r e | kuroo tetsuro

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Neither of you really knew how things ended up this way. They just did. 

Without any other explanation other than the simple desire that you both acted upon, both you and your overly scheming boyfriend who recently became the captain of Nekoma's once renowned volleyball team, found yourselves surrounded by an array of blankets and pillows.

The both of you laid sprawled out on top of the unorganized but highly comfortable pile of softness, Kuroo's long limbs somehow finding a way to wrap around your body and pull you closer into him.

Originally, you had planned to help Kuroo study for his exams, seeing as this was his last year of high school and would have to start caring about the future sometime soon. But, somehow, you allowed your boyfriend to slyly convince you to put away the books and instead create the mountain of pillows and blankets that you both found yourself laying upon now.

How you allowed your once solid ground of having him study be overtaken by such a childish desire, was something that you decided to not dwell upon.

Besides, the year just barely started, and there was still plenty of time left.

You turned your head to rest against Kuroo's broad chest, his heartbeat drumming steadily through to your ears. You snuggled closer to him, feeling his hand rest against the small of your back, while the other rose and gently tangled itself into the soft tresses of your [h/c] hair.

You glanced around the room from on top of the mountain of softness, careful to not disrupt the comfortable position you were in, wrapped within Kuroo's arms. Things were scattered all over his room – books, papers, CDs, a video game controller. It didn't surprise you though, nor did it bother you. You were long used to the messy habits of your boyfriend, and it somehow made you love him just a little bit more.

Your [e/c] eyes focused onto the warm, orange glow that filtered from the setting sun, into the half drawn curtains of Kuroo's room, bathing it in a calm wash of deep oranges and reds, warming your body slightly wherever the rays landed on your skin.

You hummed lightly before turning your head to look up at Kuroo, who, instinctively tilted his head down to glance at you, his lips pulled back into a light grin that showed just a little of his feline like fangs. 

"Who's going to clean this up?" You asked quietly, your unwrapping itself from the mess of blankets to gently comb through his unruly, yet incredibly soft hair just as he did yours. Your [l/c] lips pulled back into a soft smile as your [e/c] eyes watched him lean his head back, letting out a feigned sigh of annoyance.

"Let's worry about it later," He responded, you could feel the vibrations of his low voice through his chest as he continued, "Is it wrong for me to want to spend some time with my girlfriend in peace?" At that, he glanced down at you, his face void of any sign of joking. You couldn't help but feel the light flutter of your heart at his words, nor could you stop the small smile on your lips from growing into a larger one.

You brought your hand down and sprawled it against his clothed stomach, rubbing it lightly just as you knew he liked you to. "We could spend time studying too, y'know." Your voice was soft as you listened to his steady breathing, your fingers drawing light, invisible circles onto his stomach. You glanced up at him your smile shrinking just slightly but enough for him to notice. "You have to start thinking about your future too, Tetsuro."

You felt him shrug his shoulders beneath you, as he blinked slowly a couple of times. His dark, keen eyes scanned over your face slowly, taking in every feature that he already knew by heart, just as he did countless times before.

He knew you were right. A high school graduate could do little to nothing with just a diploma now, and Kuroo was well aware of that. But, despite that, he had no fears looking towards the future because...

"As long as you're there with me, I don't have any reason to worry about the future," He finally responded, his voice low and stately. "I know you'll be there to motivate me to do everything, and for that, I know I'll be okay," He paused looking down at you, "That's of course, if you plan on staying."

He grinned lightly at you, watching as your smile grew into a more genuine one. You slapped against his belly lightly, feigning a scolding look to form onto your face. "Who else will?"

"Good point," He said quietly, his smile growing soft as he brought his hand to gently cup your face, the pad of this thumb ghosting lightly against your lower lip. "No one could replace you."

You leaned into the touch of his hand, feeling your skin warm in a slight embarrassment at his words. You kissed his thumb lightly taking his hand into yours before you rested your head back onto his chest. His free hand, however, reached over to you, and gently tilted your head up to his.

Softly, he pressed his lips against your own as his hand squeezed yours lightly. The kiss was gentle and innocent, and although it didn't last long, it was more than enough to prove and solidify the words that Kuroo just whispered to you.

When he pulled away from you, he rose his lips to press lightly against your forehead before resting back against the pillows the two of you laid upon.

You waited a few moments, smiling widely to yourself as you still felt the ghost like feeling of his lips against yours, before tilting your head up again, only for your [e/c] eyes to meet his dark ones.

"Twenty more minutes, then we'll start studying," You whispered to him, your words being more like a soft command than anything else. "Okay?"

He let out another quiet sigh, though his lips were still faint with a smile. He pressed his lips against your forehead again before whispering, "Alright." 

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