m o m e n t s | kuroo tetsuro

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He hated winter. How cold and unbearable the air got whenever the latter months of the year rolled around; how as soon as he walked out from the heated comfort of a building, the chilled air would hit him through to his bones.

He despised it, and every day that ticked by, especially in the month of December, was one day closer to the happiness that he called spring.

Tetsuro could have vowed that he would hate the cold season to his dying breath, and beyond if possible. He would always complain and swear that if he had the power to, he would completely do away with all the cold months and make spring and summer a year-round thing.

Sometimes he still felt that way – all until the moments when he's reminded of why the winter months aren't too bad after all.

Just like in this moment, when Tetsu's long, lanky figure is sprawled out on the warm, inviting blankets of your bed, one of his arms hanging over the edge of it with his fingers just barely skimming the wooden floor.

But it wasn't the lazing about that made the cool weather tolerable.

He tilted his head down, glancing at you as you shifted lightly against his chest. Your hand was sprawled out against his chest, your cheek resting against it as you cuddled closer to him into the warmth that always seemed to radiate from his body.

The silent weather outside could possibly be colder than 2 degrees. But here, in your bed, your body gently pressed against Tetsu's as the two of you cuddled underneath the thick down blanket that covered your bed, it was the perfect – absolute perfect temperature.

He loved how during these months, you would take every advantage to cuddle up with him, sneaking underneath his jacket as he walked you home, sharing a blanket that was just a bit too small for the volleyball captain but enjoying the closeness, nonetheless.

He adored how easy you would drift off when you absorbed his warmth, and how perfectly you seemed to fit into his arms. So, when you snuggled into him closer as he curled his arms around you completely, he couldn't help but smile.

He used to absolutely hate the wintertime ... but he grew to love the moments that were spent with you.

And the more moments he began to spend with you like this, he slowly began to love the cold a bit more, too.

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