g e n t l e | sugawara koushi

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Warnings: Trigger warning for the mention of a death of a loved one.

You didn't image that anyone would notice. You have always kept things to yourself, your feelings, thoughts, wishes, even from your closest of friends. And because of that, you never thought that someone would notice – especially him.

But it was a bit silly to think that he wouldn't. It was just a few months ago that everyone knew. Till that day and a few weeks followed, you would get small, sad smiles of sympathy to those you passed by through the hallways, or perhaps the occasional shiragiku* flower in your locker, with a short note expressing their condolences. But as a whole, there were few who tried to comfort you directly, because although they knew of what you were going through, they were embarrassed to admit that they didn't understand it. You truly were grateful though, of the gentle thoughts and wishes of peace that were sent to you after the death of your loved one.

It warmed your heart to know that they tried to comfort you. But despite that, you couldn't help the feeling that you felt then from creeping back up within you, even after months have passed.

And that was why it was a little more than a surprise to you when he stood before you, his arms wrapped around your shoulders as he pulled you into his chest, your tears bleeding through the fabric of his shirt. It surprised you that your deep, quiet sobs didn't cause him to grow uncomfortable, to draw away from you in annoyance at the wet spot that you no doubt formed in his clothes. It surprised you how calming his heart beat was to you, and how consoling his touch was as he slowly circled small patterns into your back while he rested his chin lightly ontop of the [h/c] crown of your head.

It surprised you that he said nothing, and yet was able to give you all the comfort you received in those few first weeks, with just the simple touch of his hands, and the embrace of his arms.

You knew it shouldn't, but somehow, even after two years, your gentle boyfriend always surprised you with what he did. And though he was no where near the strongest or most physically gifted at Karasuno, he somehow always proved to be strong enough for both you and him, even when it felt like all else was lost.

He was everything that you wanted, and felt like you didn't deserve. But you were more than grateful to whoever it was that brought him into your life. And you were more than grateful to him for staying in it as well.

So as the minutes passed, your sobs began to grown quiet and soft, becoming less frequent as he stood there just as still as before, his hands rubbing the small of your back as he began to press gentle kisses into the crown of your head. You felt the light tension you felt between your shoulders slowly dissipate, as you finally brought your arms to weakly circle around his torso.

He stood like that with you until you finally pulled away gently, your [e/c] eyes slightly puffy and cast down at the space that now stood between the two of you, although his hands never left your hips.

You shook your head slightly as you let out a sad, airy laugh, your hand raising to rub at your eyes, ridding yourself of the drying tears that ran down your cheeks. "I'm so embarrassed."

He stood there silent as he watched you regain yourself, using the palms of your hands to rub at your eyes. Finally, he brought his hand away from your hip and gently tucked his forefinger underneath your chin, bringing your gaze up to meet his.

You watched as his steel gray eyes scanned across your face, his gray eyebrows knitted together out of worry for your words. You felt your lips tremble lightly as the smooth pad of his thumb gently ghosted across the sensitive skin as he spoke, "What is there to be embarrassed about, [f/n]?" His voice was soft and was everything but scolding or harsh in nature. He was everything but scolding or harsh in nature.

You felt the tears began to well up in your eyes again as you brought your gaze away from his. 'What shouldn't I be embarrassed about?' You asked yourself mentally as you bit back the tears that burned your [e/c] eyes.

Your eyes closed as you felt him pressed his lips softly against your forehead, his hand raising to cup the side of your face. You felt your hands curl themselves into the black coat of his uniform as his soft voice reached you ears as he spoke.

"It's alright to feel this way, [f/n]," He whispered to you, almost as if he was able to read your mind. "It's alright to cry, as much as you need to. Because I know no matter how much time has passed, those feelings can come back," he paused, leaning his head away from yours to glance at your face. "But that's okay," He said even softer, a gentle smile pulling at his lips as you looked up at him, your [e/c] eyes full of tears. "It's okay, because I'll be here when those feelings and these tears come back. And since I can't stop them, then I promise to you, that I'll do everything to dry them from your eyes."

He proved his words by gently patting his thumbs underneath your eyes, his fingers becoming damp with the tears that began to slowly fall from them. He pressed his lips against your forehead again, as you brought your arms to hold onto his wrists lightly, as he continued to wipe away the tears the escaped your eyes.

You took a step forward, resting yourself again into his arms and against his chest, which he quickly welcomed by bringing his arms back around your frame. Between the waves of your soft tears, you managed to express your thanks to him, Sugawara, as he stood with you, his arms squeezing around your frame just a little as he continued to press his lips against your hair, his voice soft and low as he whispered all of his promises to you. 

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