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      Adesua closed her eyes and watched the event play in her head. When she opened the door she looked closely at him, just the same way she did that night. Except this time, her eyes weren't filled with confusion but they were searching for clues.

Across his pale face, her eyes caught a cat like scratch on his cheek. Reflexively, she began to use her imagination to change the play of the event.

"Eloy, what happened to your face?" she asked as she turned his cheek to the side trying to get a clearer view of the scratch.

"The journal! It's all in the journal!" he repeated just as he did that night.

Her eyes observed him, she could see his hands bending to the back to remove the gun, but what caught her eyes more was a large piece of paper that looked like it was a page from the journal.

"Eloy what's that in your hand?'

"The journal" he reiterated.

"For once, can you say something other than that please!" her voice lifted in exasperation.

Before she could notice, Eloy was directly in front of her. Her eyes shone in fear as he grabbed her by the shoulder with both hands.

"October 13th. The journal!!" he shouted in her face, his eyes filled with terror as he shook her.

Adesua's eyes jolted wide open and she gasped in dread. She rushed to the journal and hungrily flipped through the pages like a beggar tearing through bread. She spun until she got to the page tagged OCTOBER 13TH. The date was written boldly in biro and was repeatedly shaded for emphasis.

Why did I have to be so stupid? Why did I ever have to assume that an innocent face implies an innocent heart? My dad was right, I am a mistake. How could I think she was only going to tutor me? Why did I have to go? Now I can't even see myself the same.

When she asked that I come to the lecture theatre for the lesson, I didn't want to go, but ken kept hyping me up. I should've listened to myself.

Now the so called friend I thought I had, doesn't even believe my story. No one does, not even my father. I would tell my best friend but if others couldn't believe me why would she.

I thought I could bury the incident, I thought my brain could shut off the mocking laughter from that night. I thought my mind could put off the reoccurring echoes of my screams that night.

I thought if I ignored it, it would go away. But it hasn't, and now I feel if I write it down, then, just maybe, I won't be tormented by the memories anymore.

I went to meet her that night after the hype from Ken. Everything was normal but yet seemed different. Yes she was tutoring me as usual, but this time she offered me a drink. She said it was just a friendly gesture. So I accepted.

Right after I began to feel funny. Funnier than usual. I was feeling pain and pleasure at the same time. As she taught she caressed me and I pushed her off several times. She said she wanted to take the pain away. I kept pushing her off and then she got mad.

I didn't know who she really was until she blew a whistle with her mouth. 5 other girls walked in, I suspected that that was what the whistle signalled. But their appearance scared me.

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