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Veronica had finally gotten the nerve to ask out Toni's sister Y/N after the Southside/Riverdale merge. She had met her at the drag race a couple of weeks before and was intrigued by the girl. She had asked the girl to meet her at the old drive-in for their date. She had asked her parents if she could open it one more time just for this occasion.

As she waited at the drive-in with Archie's truck, she heard the rumble of a motorcycle approach. She turned to see the Serpent dismount the bike. The girl was wearing a red and black flannel under her Serpent jacket and ripped black jeans complete with white vans. Veronica's mouth just watered at the sight of the taller girl. As she approached her, the taller girl smirked. She reached Veronica and said, "You have a little drool on your chin princess." Veronica swore she looked like a tomato in that moment. She also swore she saw Y/N glance at her lips. The taller Topaz glanced around the set-up Veronica had for them. All her favorite snacks and drinks in a makeshift bed in the back of Archie's truck. "All this for me?", Y/N questioned. Veronica, back to her senses, nodded and reached for Y/N's hand. "Yes. This is all for you. You're special and I want to show you how special you are." Y/N lightly blushed. "Well Lodge," she jumped in the back of the truck, "what are we watching?"

Halfway through the second movie of the night, Veronica had started to get cold. She had forgotten to check the weather before the date so she didn't dress accordingly. The only warmth she was getting was from Y/N's body heat. She swore that girl was a human space heater. Y/N noticed that she was cold towards the end of the movie and pulled the raven-haired girl closer to her in a futile attempt to warm her up. Noticing the weak attempt, Y/N spoke up. "Here take my jacket. It's cold out here" Veronica shook her head. "No, I don't want you to get cold." "Princess, I have long sleeves on. I'll be fine." She slid the leather jacket off of her and onto Veronica's shoulders. Veronica relished in the warmth and the scent of the taller girl. Y/N smirked, "It looks good on you princess." Veronica blushed under the taller girls stare. Y/N's eyes flickered to the raven-haired girls full lips and back to her eyes, as if asking for permission. Veronica wasted no time in grabbing her by the back of the neck and smashing their lips together. It turned into a full out make out session when Veronica straddled the taller girls lap. They pulled away after about 2 minutes to breathe. Y/N's hand stayed cupping Veronica's cheek. "You, Lodge, are an amazing kisser. Can we do this again sometime?" Veronica giggled, "What the date or the kissing?" "Both. I know this seems sudden and all but will you be my girl?" Veronica nodded eagerly and kissed the Serpent once more before getting off of her lap and off the truck. "Well, I guess this ends our fleeting time together.", Veronica said sadly. Y/N reluctantly got off the truck. "I guess so Lodge." Veronica wrapped her arms around the taller girl's neck and played with the hair at the nape of her neck. "Will I see you at school tomorrow?" Y/N nodded, "Wouldn't miss the opportunity to show off my newly minted girlfriend." Veronica smiled and kissed her one last time before the Serpent made her way to the bike. Realizing what she still had on, Veronica yelled, "What about your jacket?" Y/N smirked, "Keep it for tonight. Wear it tomorrow for me." Veronica blushed as the girl mounted the bike and sped away. Veronica got in the driver's seat with a dreamy look on her face. She couldn't wait to see the look on everyone's faces tomorrow when she wore the jacket to school.

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