Chapter 1 : The Hospital

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When Will Byers finally opened his eyes, it took him several moments to figure out where he was.

He expected to see the same darkness, feel the same shivering cold. But no, as he blinked again and again to clear out his vision, he saw white light. He felt safe and warm. In fact, he could breathe normally, without any suffocating gas entering his nose.
Was he in the hispital?

A wave of happiness and relief so strong that it brought tears to his eyes washed over him. He was out of the darkness, and now he was into the light. Safe and protected, into the warm. Into the--

A disheartening thought crossed his mind.

This is a dream. I fell asleep shivering in the cold inside the Castle Byers, and maybe it was another nightmare, only with a happy start, because pain is more severe, more painful when it comes right after happiness. I know that better than most people. Shouldn't get my hopes up, but mom will be here soon. I know she will. Everyone must already think that I am dead. But mom doesn't. I will try to talk with her again after this nightmare ends, talk with her through the Lights. The lights were the only way--

"Will!" The most familiar voice of his life called his name, and Will craned his head to the right. It was, as expected, his mom.

"Sweetheart," Joyce Buyers smiled, and Will understood that it was the first time she had done so in a long, long while. His mom looked older, thinner, sadder....but still so beauitiful, still so safe.

Will was still afraid it was a dream. But the happiness and relief was too much to be fake, too much to be just something he got when he closed his eyes. " I?" He managed to ask.

"You're home, you are safe." He just noticed Jonathan Byers, his brother.

You're home, you are safe.

How many days, hours, minutes and seconds had he waited to hear these words?

His mom caressed his hair, and he felt her affection, her pain. Will never found anything more peaceful than his own mother's touch. He never found anything as melodious as his own mother's voice. Joyce Byers, his mom, the strongest and bravest mom - Will knew.

Jonathan had started to cry, and Will controlled his own tears. No tears for the happiest time in his life.

This is just a dream, Will Byers. It will soon turn into a nightmare, and you will be back in the Cold And Dark, full of slimy branched creatures....the Demogorgans. They got you, Will. They got you, and they wont let you go. They won't.

"How are you feeling now, Will?" His mom asked as Jonathan left the room. She was still caressing his hair, making all of his headache vanish away

Like you vanished away, Will

and making him feel at ease.

"Much better." He heard himself say the most honest answer possible. Joyce smiled, and Will noticed how slender she had got

While worrying for you, Will

and how she had wrinkles on her face. Will felt a pain in his chest seeing her like this.

This is a dream, Willy. A dream, a fucking dream--

Just then, his best friends entered the room - Mike, Dustin and Lucas.
"BYERS!!" Mike screamed, and immediately fell over him and hugged him. Will was shocked but happy, and he somehow managed to put a hand on his back to pat him. Lucas fell on him next, but couldnt survive long as Dustin pushed him away and fell on Will. The happiness made Will crazy. Had he ever been this happy? He finally believed that it was not a dream, it was totally real--

Am I real?

He found himself looking at his hands, feeling his legs under the thin blanket. Yes, he was real.

Real enough, that is

"You missed out on so many stuffs!" Dustin said, as they started to fill him about everything. He couldnt figure out how someone like Troy could pee himself, that too, in front of the whole school. But it served him right, and Will's happiness only increased hearing it. Troy was, after all, a--

He started to cough, his throat feeling itchy, his breath getting caught up. His throat hurt and shots of pain jolted through his head. It felt to Will that the coughing might not end at all, but it ended abruptly.

"You okay man?" Mike asked, worried.
"Yeah." Then he looked at Mike and said, "It got me, the Demogogorgan."

"Yeah," Mike said, "But now it's dead. And we also made a new friend. She....saved us. But now she is gone."
"Gone?" Will asked, almost disappointed.

But Dustin didn't let Mike reply, "Her name's Eleven."
"Like the number?" Will asked, his brain not being able to comprehend how that can be someone's name.
"Yeah, but we call her El." Mike added.

Yeah, that name is not so bad after all.

"Yes." Then Dustin whispered, "She has superpowers."

After everything that happened, a girl named after a number who has superpowers didn't seem to shock Will much.

"She is so cool!" Lucas said, and he and Dustin jumped to the stories bout how she was the one who made Troy pee (Will already became a fan of her) and how she flipped a van with her mind (damn) and many more. As much as it was a topic of interest for Will, when he glanced at Mike, who looked lost and very very sad, Will came to a realization he wasn't ready for.

Mike loves this girl. Loves Eleven.

The desire to see what about Eleven was so captivating that someone like Mike fell for her gripped Will. So when Dustin and Lucas finished, he asked, "So...what happened to her?" The question was indicated to Mike, and he understood it.

"She is gone." Mike replied again, as Dustin and Lucas gave him nervous looks.
"Gone as in...." Will found himself not being able to say the word 'dead'.

Mike's eyes widened with shock. "No! No no no! She is NOT dead. She's just....disappeared. But I'm sure she is alive. And she will come back. I don't know how to explain it, but she will. I can--" Mike stopped midway, frowning.

"Feel it." Will completed his thoughts. He knew it well, all right. He knew about the phrase 'feel it' well enough.

cold and dark.

Just as Will said it, Mike looked down at him in the eyes, and what Will saw in them didn't help his headache or his difficulty breathing.

Pain. Lots of pain.


I absolutely swear that I am not turning this into a Byler fanfic (although I guess most of you will not have a problem with that heuheuheu)--- I'm only starting stuffs from here so that it is easier for you guys to imagine everything.

Thanks for reading, those who did! Please vote and comment your thoughts!

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