Chapter 2 : I Love Her

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A day after Will got discharged, Joyce Byers invited all of Will's friends and their family up to their house for dinner. They were gonna have a huge feast -- the mothers gossiping, the fathers watching baseball and having some drinks, Jonathan and Nancy just talking in Jonathan's room, Holly and Erica getting bored, and the best friends playing and having loads of fun. Will was excited. It felt good to be home after what seemed like years.

The Wheelers came up first. Ted Wheeler went to Will and said, "Hey man. You're alive :D." Karen Wheeler hit him in the shoulder and ruffled Will's hair. She smiled and said, "I'm glad you're home, Will." Will returned the smile and replied, "Thanks, Mrs. Wheeler."

"Enough, mom. Come on, Will." Mike wrapped his arms around Will's shoulder and went to his room. They sat on his bed and talked about random stuffs while waiting for Dustin and Lucas. Both of them had called up to say that they would be a bit late, because Dustin's mom had gone to her sister's house and Lucas's dad would return home a bit late.

"So, how does it feel being back?" Mike asked, while turning the pages of a comic book.

Will didn't give a direct answer, it was impossible to express it in words. Instead, he said, "I just have so many questions, you know."

"Like what?"

"Just...." Will frowned, unable to decide how to form the sentence. He shifted his sitting position and faced Mike, "How did you all get to know that I was in the Upside Down? I mean, there is no way you could have known about another dimension of our planet--there is no way you could have  figured out that I was alive even after my body was found. I just don't understand how it all happened."

Mike let out a sigh. He turned his eyes away from Will's, and said, "I don't know about your mom or Hopper but...we got to know about all of these through Eleven."

Shocked, Will said, "Really?"

Mike nodded and started to explain everything. How El had taken them to Will's house, claiming that Will was here hiding, and how she flipped that D&D board and indicated the Upside Down, how she had connected to Will through Mike's supercom the day his dead body was found, and how she had lied down in a sensory deprivation tank to find Will.

"She came to you in the Upside Down," Mike said, turning his eyes back to Will's, "Do you remember it? She came to you, and let you know that it would be alright, and that your mom is on the way. That's how we got the confirmation that you were alive."

Will couldn't think straight. Eleven had came to him in the Upside Down? When...?

His eyes widened with realization as he finally remembered that one time in the Upside Down, the time he had felt the warmest inside that Cold and Dark. The warmest, as a soothing voice had told him, "Your mom is coming. Just hold on a little longer, okay Will?" The owner of that voice had held his own cold hands with her warm ones, and Will remembered thinking that he wished whoever it was, would stay a little longer, would stay holding his hands. He needed that warmth more than anything. He opened his eyes only a little, but  he saw nothing, saw no one, but felt it.  Felt it in his body and in his mind. He knew someone was here. And he remembered somehow managing to say "Hurry", which took him almost all of his energy. He remembered feeling empty and sad, oh so much sad, when those warm hands had disappeared from his cold ones, and that voice was gone. Will remembered crying a lot at that time, as that shivering cold struck him again and he started to starve for that warmth, he cried for a long time until he managed to convince himself that mom is on her way.

She is coming. Just hold on a little longer okay?

"Will? Will, are you there?" Mike was moving his hands in front of Will's eyes. Will snapped back, his eyes blurry with tears, a lump forming in his throat.
"That....was Eleven?" Mike nodded and said, "So you remember her."

Will looked at Mike, forcing the tears to hold. He wished Mike wouldn't notice.

"Mike," Will said.
"Do Eleven?"
"What? No!"
"You honestly don't expect me to believe tha--"
"I love her, Will. I love Eleven."


it is Mike x Eleven x Will guys. So of course there would be some Mileven too cjcbdjdbc

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