Chapter 5 : Snow Ball Part 2

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She wore a blue dress, with a neck that exposed her collarbones. Her hair was short and black, and she had little makeup on. To Will, she looked like an angel.

That's Eleven .

Will had no doubt about it. The way Mike looked at her confirmed that.

"Hey Zombie Boy," Brittany said, and Will turned his face back towards her, "You can't just stare at another girl when you are dancing with one." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me that," Will snapped, and realized that it might have been the first time he had snapped at someone :0.

Brittany smiled.

"Good job, Will Byers. Keep it up." She leaned in and lightly kissed Will on the cheek, and let her hands fall off from his shoulders. Will removed his hands from her waist as she winked and went away. Will was furiously blushing, but smiling, and it was the first time in his life he actually felt like a boy.

But his mind didn't stay too long on Brittany. He saw Mike walking over to Eleven, and she was smiling. Close to him, Lucas and Max still danced, looking all lovey-dovey.

Will looked again at Mike and Eleven.

Now they had started dancing slowly, and the way both of them looked at each other made Will's heart sink. He never thought Mike was capable to look at somene like that. It haf never occured to him, how they were all growing up, and things are bound to change, changes are bound to come - surely nothing could be done about that. He quickly turned his eyes away, as if he had been illegally peeking at someone engaged in a private moment.

He walked back to the table, where Dustin sat alone. Good thing. Now Will can accompany him for some time. Dustin didn't look too happy.

As he sat down beside Dustin, Will looked at them once again, and now they were kissing. This time, Will couldn't take his eyes off the scene, he felt genuinely shocked. Now thar was something he surely hadnt expected.

Now where is this pain coming from?

Many others were looking too. They were kissing, oh my, of course they would, wouldn't they? They were two teenagers in love, two teenagers who had been separated from each other cruelly for....for 353 days. Of course now was the best time and opportunity to express their love for each other. This is the Snow Ball, a romantic opportunity for any student who is in love. Mike and Eleven? They must have had the purest love in the whole universe, Will knew that, Will believed that, and no one should separate them ever again. They should always be glued to each other just like this, because they needed to have each other for love, for strength, for their life. Hadn't Mike almost been like a dead and lost person while he was away from Eleven? Now that they are finally together, again, Will should be happy for them. Happy for his best friend

And the girl he loves.

And yet, why did Will feel so sad?

Now where is this pain

"It's so good to see them back together again." Dustin spoke up, and Will snapped from his daze.

--coming from?

"Yeah, you're right." Will said, not quite meaning it. He felt tears blur his eyes. He wasn't quite sure why.

But Will, you are pretty sure why

He didnt want to think much about it. He was afraid that if he thought too much, he would reach the conclusion, the answer to that question, and it would be something Will might never be able to forgive himself for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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