Chapter 3 : Halloween

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"El would." Mike said.
"She would?" Will asked, turning his face towards Mike, seeing that same expression of pain and longing.

"Yes, she would. Sometimes I feel like she is right here, you know. Like she's still around, but she never is. I don't know how to explain but..."

"You don't have to, Mike. I understand." Will said, and yeah, he did understand. Hadn't he felt the same way when Eleven had came to him in the Upside Down? Surely he did.

And that's when something hit him.

"Mike!" Will said, eyes widening.
"Remember when I said that, when Eleven had came to me in the Upside Down, I could feel her, could hear her, but I couldn't exactly see her. Could it be that.....maybe she is trying to talk with you through that mind trick of her? Maybe she is trying to say something, but she...I don't know maybe she can't, maybe she--"

"No..." Mike interrupted, his eyebrows furrowed, "No, don't give me hope, Will."
"You can't give up already."
"I haven't. But you know...." Mike looked at Will, his eyes pleading.

He really does love her. Will thought, with a dull ache in his heart.

"....I don't know." Mike completed. Will had never seen the other boy like this, and never imagined he would. Will himself had a lot on his plate, especially with the increasing number of intolerably horrifying episodes, but he still had enough room to feel bad for Mike. Mike didn't deserve this. No way he did. He deserved happiness, with the one he....loves.


The word felt a little adult to Will. He realized with a jolt that things like falling in love probably was a little adult. Sure, he had paid enough attention in biology to know that all the party members had already started their puberty, and attraction towards opposite sex would be a common thing from now on. Except, Will never really gave much thought about it. He wasn't too interested in girls – they seemed to have a world of their own, a world Will wouldn't understand. Will thought the other boys thought the same too, which is why they never brought any female member to the party. But Mike said that Eleven was a part of the group now.

"She is our Mage...was. But yeah, she became one of us."

Will figured using the past tense was hard for Mike.

What kind of girl must she have been, to attract Mike so heavily? What kind of girls did Mike like? He always seemed to be the more matured one of the group – the leader, which is why he was the one Will least expected to fall in love first. But maybe falling in love was mature. Maybe Will would never reach that maturity.

"I want to know more about her," Will blurred out without realizing. He silently gasped, and glanced at Mike, expecting him to give Will a suspicious look. But the other boy was looking at the spread out chocolates on the table in front of them, his eyes distant.

"She was....awesome." He started, and Will noticed his eyes getting teary. Will started to feel nervous. He didn't want Mike to start crying because of him.

But Mike is strong. Unlike me. He never cried, not so I remember, at least.

"She loved Eggos," Mike continued, "Loved them a lot. It was cute, her obsession with it. But she had a fierce side to her too. Her powers were aweosme. The day she die—" Mike coughs, "Disappeared, she saved me, and the others. With her power. You should've seen her. She pushed me away, and stood in front of the demogorgan. She was so brave. So, so brave."

"She saved me too." Will said, looking towards the chocolates as well, but not really paying attention to them, "If she hadnt came, I....would've given up. Probably walk up to a demogorgan by myself. Better dying than live in that—"
"God, don't say that! It's fine now, right? Except....these episodes," he shook his head, "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure it is just PTSD. A different kind of PTSD. You'll get through it. You're...strong too, just like her."

I'm not.

Will wanted to ask more. He wanted to know how she looked like, so that he could create a mental image of her in his mind, and maybe draw her. He could gift it to Mike, but no. Maybe he would just keep it to himself. Even though Will hadn't seen the girl, he felt a strong desire to meet her. To see her. To know more.

But maybe it was too late.

The thought made Will sadder than he was. But he felt a little better after talking with Mike. He always felt good when people opened up to him. Dustin and Lucas rarely did. They probably looked at Will like he was a kid. But not Mike; Mike always treated him normally. And someone who made Mike happy, Will would do anything for her.

"Have you tried to contact her?" Will asked.
"Yeah....i know it is cliche, but I call her every night. i have been, since the day she left."

It was kinda shocking to know that. It's been almost a year. And he has been calling her everyday?

"No luck, I suppose."
"What if she is listening? Maybe she can't reply, because she doesn't have a supercom...."
"She would try. She would definitely try reply. Do everything so that she can. That's the kind of girl she is. She was just....I just...."

Will waited, looking at his best friend earnestly, but Mike had buried his face into his hands. A moment later, he looked up again and shook his head.

Will felt a whirlwind of emotions. If, maybe, these episodes really mean something serious, and something bad happens to Will, will she...

Will she come to me, again? To tell me it's okay, in that soothing voice of hers, maybe lend me her warm hands? Will she, perhaps....

Will forced his thoughts to stop. He felt a little criminal, thinking of Eleven like that. His best friend was in love with her; there's no way he could wish stuffs like that.
Except the thing of her coming back. Mike would be so happy.

"I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy." Mike said.

"Will? Will. It's gonna be okay. Just hold on a little longer..."

"Me too," Will said.
"But hey, if we go crazy, we will grow crazy together, right?"

Will turned to his friend. Mike looked a lot older now. He needed her. He really did.

No, Mike. Don't go crazy. Let me go crazy alone. With me, and my not join me. I'm in this alone. There will be no warm hand, because they belong to you. There will be no soothing words, because i know. I know I'm not safe. I know, that something bad is about to happen.

Let me be in this alone. You've gone through a lot, haven't you? If you're too kind to me, what if I backstab you in the end? What if I....

The one you love...what if I....become mature too?

"Yeah, crazy together."


Hello guys!!

I left off this story, yeah. But seeing three people commenting me to continue, I thought I really should! Like, THREE people? Wow. Never would've thought it. Only writers would know how much that means to us haha.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It focused more on Will and Mike's friendship, and maybe Will has developed feelings for the unknown. He is still confused, but it will clear up soon.

If you liked it, you can vote! Please comment your feedback. You can also leave off anything particular you want in the story and I will try to add it!

Sayonara, friends💜

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