Chapter 6 - "You're too good for him"

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Harry's gaze felt like it was burning a hole through your head. He, Ron, Neville and (Y/f/n) were now all staring at you, waiting for an answer. You gulped and tried to talk, but you felt like the words just couldn't come out.  

"Harry, c-can we talk about this somewhere in private?" you finally managed to say.

"No (Y/n), we can't. All you have to say to me you can say to my friends too. We don't have any secrets, unlike some", Harry answered with a cold tone in his voice, which was very untypical to him.

"Okay..." you mumbeld.

"You didn't answer my question, is it true? Harry repeated.

"... Yes. It's true. I was with Draco..." you answered quietly.

"How many times?" he continued questioning.

"Does it matter?" you asked.

"I'm the one who's asking the questions here (Y/n)! How many times?!"

Harry looked furious. He was clenching his fists and his face started to turn red. Some other people had heard Harry's yelling too and they were now gathering around you. You just wanted to apparate away. Soon the whole school would probably know about this.       

"Once... Nearly twice..." you answered. You didn't have to admit that, but there was no reason for lying now.

For a moment you were both silent. Everyone around you were either looking at you or Harry. Then Harry broke the silence:

"Why (Y/n)? And why Malfoy, out of all people? I thought you hated him too!"

"I...I don't know... It just happened. He just..." you tried to explain but you just couldn't. How could you explain something even you didn't understand?

"He just what? Was better than me? More popular? Better looking? There must be a reason! 'It just happened'? So you just happened to fuck him?!" Harry yelled at you. You were now shivering. You had never seen him so angry and it really scared you. Harry was usually so calm and rational, but now he seemed completely out of his mind. You felt tears rolling down your cheeks.

"I said I don't know! I'm sorry Harry! I'm so sorry..." 

Your voice was cracking while you tried your best to apologize, even though you knew that it wouldn't help the situation or make Harry feel any better. You just didn't know what else to do than say that you were sorry. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop crying. You buried your face into your shaking hands. It was all too much. Like the guilt wasn't enough, you were now also humiliated in front of your schoolmates. You felt your friend's hand stroking your back.

"Harry I think it would be wise if you could continue this talk in private, after you have both calmed down a bit. This thing is between you and her, the whole school doesn't have to know about it", your friend said to him. This is why she was one of your best friends. No matter how hard the situation was, she always got your back and defended you.

Without saying a word Harry got up and left, followed by Ron and Neville. (Y/f/n) hugged you and tried to calm you down while you were sobbing against her shoulder.

"Come on (Y/n), let's get you out of here", she whispered into your ear and helped you get up. She walked you out of Great Hall, away from everyone's curious looks. You walked into a quiet hallway and sat down on a bench.

"That was wrong of him... Yes, you did a wrong thing, but you didn't deserve that. He could've talked to you in private, that was just rude", (Y/f/n) said while handing you a tissue.

"No... I did deserve it. He has all the right to be angry at me, I'm a horrible person... He never did anything like this to me", you answered while wiping your tears away.        

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