eye tattoo

161 14 10

(nov 11)

when i was young i was never good at catching grasshoppers / i'll become a ghost so you'd find a reason to actually not be interested in me / i self pity myself too much / but how can i not when my uncle planted dynamites in the living room when he thought i was fast asleep?

it drives me insane that we're getting old / changes always leave us in the rippling cold / rendezvous and plausible fantasies on repeat in my head / but i can cut them off / you just gotta help me find myself instead.

you called me a name that i fell in love with yesterday / let's spend a night down in rhythm lake / hips swaying to the tunes her hair hums but when i wake up / i'll see a different breeze / i'm a sucker for feeling the fire ignite me / and that's what i got / and it stings evocative reminiscence in my brain.

i'd like my first tattoo to be in my eye / so it'll help me go blind a little faster / life's kind of getting hard to watch these days / what a cute little scream demon you are / your words are sharp but the blades don't go as far.

he asked me about suicidal dreams / i told him i'd like to die young and soon enough i'd scorch my lung out of my chest / a dream i wish to pursue / why did he look so sad when he was just frolicking in the gas station like he was some type of mad?

you're telling bloodbaths filled with silver coins between flesh and toothaches / sweetly decorated in my most favorite vinyl cover / you'd make a great song one day / i'd write you one with the words you'd spoken but then it'd be such a short tune.


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