
234 18 3

(nov 27)

she was comprised with italic rainfalls as she crumbles in cursive to the delightful compliments from the moonlit craters she aspires to be. juniper bones kissed upon her loneliest dreamer as she hides the fact that she, herself, was her own river's streamer. his dimples were deeper than she had imagined, curiousness gripped a hold of her reckless wanders and discovered his fossil brain. he had laser beams filling up his head. what was she to do now that her own jaded lover was not meant for her?

she was comprised with unobtainable stories she could never endure so she swallowed them up as if she were diligently pure. i'm a pastiche in disguise that no chaos could apprise. he broods on mist like silent wine dynamite before he could kiss the one that's left on oceanic abyss. show me how you move things with your mind, garçon blasé. she's not the one to miss.

the boy whose hoodie was filled with angelicas and words that would inspire thunderstorms to signify his arizona darling that his lawless heart was meant only for her as she (i) befalls fountains to sink in the humidity of her superficial sanity. windshield wipers plotting amnesia to collect her envious head, she'd kill the ladybugs crawling inside if she could find them but nevertheless, he felt a migraine restlessly trapped in his head.

he was comprised with flaws and only one she couldn't bare.

his rare lips

could never

                                                 seem to care.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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