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with an alarm sounding i slowly open my eyes. the clock reads 7:45. "shit!" i was supposed to be up 50 minutes ago. I jump out of bed and quickly throw sweats and a big shirt on. I run to the bathroom and throw my hair up in a bun and put mascara on. I run downstairs to find my brother getting his shoes on. "What took you so long?" he asks without looking up from his shoes. "geez, good morning to you too. I slept through my alarm"

"Oh, that's what that was" he says finally looking up at me. "what?" i say walking over to grab a banana. "Is your alarm a hyuna song?" i nod as i peel the banana. He laughs and i just roll my eyes. "Nice outfit, really trying to impress the guys huh?" he teases as he looks at my sweatpants. "My main goal in life is not to impress guys" i slide my shoes on and walk out the door, my brother soon following after. We get into the car and settle in a bit. "We have a math test today" i say as i buckle. "Yes, i know. Just because we are in the same grade doesn't mean that you get to be annoying and remind me of tests and quizzes every second. I'm an independent young man" he starts the car. "Pfft, okay Doyoung".

Me and My twin brother are seniors at Gwangju West High School. We are very similar but at the same time very different. We both play sports and get good grades. A lot of people like us but more people like my brother. It's really annoying sometimes, all of my friends like him. Doyoung and I both secretly want to become idols. Our parents would never approve, but we are still going to audition. We are planning to do it in a couple of weeks. I'm excited but at the same time really nervous. I think some other people i know are going to audition too. My best friend Soojin is auditioning with me and brother. It's gonna be great.

"Hey dweeb stop staring out the window and let's go" doyoung abruptly speaks. I look outside and see that we have arrived to our school. "Geez okay" i grab my phone and leave the car. Doyoung and i walk side by side till we get to our friends then we leave. We act like we hate each other but if we didn't have each other i don't know how we would survive.

i wave bye to doyoung and his friends as i make my way over to mine. I already see them judging my outfit. "What?" i say. "Oh nothing" Mina dismisses me. Soojin grabs my arm and Mina follows. "It's just that-" soojin continues "It's just what?" i ask nudging her arm. "it's a great, comfy outfit. but it's a little-" i role my eyes. "Never mind" i say.

As we walk to first period two of our other friends joins us. "lucas, jungwoo wait up!" Mina, Soojin and I run up to our friends. the two boys stop and look at us. Lucas starts laughing "What?" jungwoo looks to lucas. "Y/ns outfit looks weird". i hit lucas, "Hey! you wear sweats all the time" We all split up and go to different classes. The only person that I am friends with in my english class is Bang Christopher and he is from australia so i don't know why he is taking english. I go ahead and sit next to him.

It is currently 5th period and I just got out of gym. It's not that bad, I don't know why Soojin hates it. I meet up with my group of friends as we head to lunch. my phone starts to buzz, as i go to take it out of my pocket someone bumps into me. This causing me to drop my phone. "fuc-" I look up to see who it is. "Y/n" He looks at me worriedly. "I'm so sorry" changkyun goes to grab my phone, i just role my eyes. "Ya, Ya whatever" He gives me my phone back but his hand lingers on it. i look up from avoiding eye contact and see him looking at me with a sorry expression. "Okay" i take my phone "you can leave now" i say as i grab jungwoo and Lucas' arm. He sighs and walks away.

Changkyun and me go way back. We dated for 11 months freshmen year, but we were best friends before that. Doyoung, Changkyun, Soojin and I were a tight knit group up until freshmen year. I always had a little thing for changkyun, even when we were really young. Little did I know that he felt the same thing. Freshmen year changkyun and I started texting a lot more then we used to, which led to facetiming every night , then it became facetiming every night for 11 months. I didn't think we could get any closer then we were when we were just friends, but it was possible. It was great while it happened, he was my first serious boyfriend. He was extremely special to me. Apparently it wasn't like that for him. One day he stopped talking to me, it was a weekend in january. I texted him about a basketball game and he never responded. I thought his phone was dead but i didn't get a text in the morning, he would usually text me good morning and he didn't do that either. I went up to him at school and he walked away. It was like this for weeks. I stopped trying. He really hurt me, he stopped talking to me and i never knew the reason and I still don't to this day. I thought about the worst things. I slowly stopped eating, and talking. I became very depressed, I wasn't only hurt because he was my boyfriend but he was also my best friend. But as most people do, I got over him. It took me 5 months but I did. I never forgave him for what he did, and now I hate him. Doyoung and Soojin hate him too. So that is why i am how i am with him. He never once told me why he ghosted me, why he broke my heart, why he ended it. When I see him all the anger and hurt that I felt come back, i want to scream at him. I keep it cool though, and most times i'm with my friends and so they stick up for me.

Lucas waves his hand in my face. I look at him confused. "you were zoning out" he says. i shrug as we walk to the cafeteria. Mina waves us over to our usual lunch spot "you guys, come quick". I give her a confused look as we get closer to the table. "where is soojin?" jungwoo asks as he sits down next to mina. "look, look" she points over to where soojin is. "She's talking to jooheon" Mina exclaims. "So? she talks to him all the time" lucas questions. "Lucas is right, he even hangs out with us and they talk then" i add. Mina sighs "okay whatever" she slumps back into her seat. i laugh.

Soojin waves bye to jooheon as she heads over to us. she puts her hands on her heart and she sits down. "Isn't jooheon the best?" Lucas roles his eyes "Yes, of course" me and jungwoo laugh. "Y/n did your phone crack?" jungwoo asks. "I don't think so, i didn't look at it. i pull my phone out of my pocket. "Good, It didn't" i put it on the table. "Why would her phone crack?" Mina asks. "changkyun bumped into her" lucas answers. Soojin stands up "Why that little-" i laugh "It's fine, relax" i say pulling her back down.

—Time skip brought to you by bunny doyoung—

"Y/n?" someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see Changkyun. i sigh "What do you want?" i try to stay calm. "Mr. Jung wants to see you" i give him a confused look "my english teacher? why?" he looks down. "I don't know, he wanted to see both of us" great, just great. i have to be in the same room as changkyun. "Okay, lets go" i walk ahead of him

as we arrive into Mr. Jungs room there are other kids there. Chris is there, i walk over to him and tap his shoulder. "chris?" he turns around and smiles "y/n, sit here next to me" he taps the desk next to him. "do you know what this is about?" i ask "Nope, not a clue" he smiles. "Did changkyun get u?" i look over to changkyun, who right as I looked at him looked down. "Yeah, why?" i look back at chris "you told me what happened remember?" i look down at my hands. "oh yeah" he laughs "it's okay" He gently moves my face back to look at his. We meet each other's eyes. I feel my face start to heat up. I want to look away but I don't. Neither does he. His hands still lingering on my face when Mr.Jung starts talking. We immediately look to him. "I called you all here today because—" I start to zone out. Woah, what just happened? Yes i've always found chris cute but never to the extent that I wanted to do anything about it. I never realized how beautiful his eyes were and the way his hair fell perfectly on his skin. his skin is so beautiful, it's almost. Mr jung cuts off my thinking. "Y/n?" He looks at me. "Yes?" i zone back in. "You will be tutoring Changkyun okay?"


a/n: Hehe, I hope you guys liked the first chapter! There will be more to come of course. Thank you so much for reading my book!
lyasm!!! 💕💕💕

Roses|| Im Changkyun Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ