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i turn to look at changkyun who is staring back at me. I feel a hand on my shoulder. i turn to see chris give me a pitied look. i just smile

"this day has just gotten better" he laughs a bit

"at least you are still being sarcastic".

i take his hand off my shoulder "hey, it happened freshmen year. That was ages ago, sure i was hurt and angry. But hey, i've got to learn to let go right? should i give being friends with him a chance? we were friends before anything. Will this really be that bad?"

chris holds on to my hand and i stare at them. "Whatever happens i'll be there for you and if i need to i will beat him up."

i giggle. "Thanks chris"

Chris and I exit the classroom together, talking like we usually do. I smile at changkyun as we leave and head out towards our lockers. Sadly, chris' locker is pretty far from mine so we say our goodbyes and head our separate ways.

as i approach my locker i see doyoung standing at it.

"What?" i ask trying to get to my locker.

"What was that meeting about?" he moves away.

"nothing, just some stupid tutor thing i have to do." i put my books into my backpack.

"for what class and who are you tutoring" i look up at doyoung trying to read his expressionless face.

"for english and changkyun" i hear him breathe deeply.

"do i need to ask-" i put my hand on his shoulder.

"it's fine, i'm gonna be okay." i start walking away

"it was forever ago anyway"

i drop my pencil as i finish my homework. i go plop on my bed and reach my phone. as i turn it on i see a ton of notifications, mostly from my group chat. I go to answer that when i see an unknown number texted me.

hey is this y/n?
it's changkyun
when can we meet?

i look up from my phone. i was just assigned to tutor him today, he's so annoying. i don't have anything ready.

idk, i'm not ready
oh, k. bye

i shut my phone off. i lay on my back on my bed. as i stare at the ceiling i can't help but to think of chris. it's weird, i've never thought of him in any other way then just a good friend. now when i think of him my heart beats fast. He's always been so nice to me. how am i only noticing him in that way now? it's all very confusing. my phone dings again

it's chris.

y/n, i just wanted to wish u luck on tutoring your ex! fighting :)

seeing this makes my heart skip a beat. he's just too cute. i go to respond

Haha, thanks chris. i need it.
i gtg, bye y/n. text me if u need anything.
bye chris :)

i plug in my phone and head downstairs. Something smells good.

i head to the kitchen to see my mom cooking. "hi mom"

she turns to look at me. "hey, come and help me"

i walk towards her "what are you making?"

she takes a fork and picks up a piece of meat and puts it in my face "i'm making Dakgalbi"

i chew on the meat she gave me "it's really good, where is doyoung?"

she rolls her eyes "i thought you were going to help me"

i shake my head and smile "no thanks"

she laughs a little "he's in his room"

i start walking away "dinner will be ready in 10!" she shouts

i knock on his door and walk in without an answer. he is doing homework on his bed when i go and sit next to him.

"why are you doing your homework on your bed when you have a nice desk?" i tap his paper

"it's comfier"

i lay down on the end of his bed

"ok weirdo" he moves his stuff off his bed and lays next to me.

"what are you doing?" he asks.

"how come i can't just come see you?" i jokingly ask.

"your so weird, you know that? anyway, is there anything you want to talk about?"

i look at him then back to his ceiling. i want to tell him about chris and what is happening but i can't, i wont.

"how come you never have any crushes or girlfriends?" i ask sincerely.

"You, Soojin and Mina drive me crazy enough. i don't need another girl in my life" he pinches my nose as he lifts himself off the bed.

"come on, let's go to dinner."

after dinner i go to my room and start to wash up for bed. as i walk towards the bathroom my mom calls me.

"y/n! someone is here for you!"

i turn around and head towards the stairs "okay"

i don't know who it could be, if it were any of my friends they would have walked up to my room. I look at my phone to see if i have any texts to see if anyone told me they were coming over. it's also late.

I walk into the front room to see changkyun.

why is he here?

i give my mom a puzzled look and she gives the same.

i turn to changkyun and smile "hi, why are u here?"

he looks down at his feet for a second.

"i wanted to talk"

a/n: thanks for all the support so far! it means so much to me! if there are any concerns or questions just let me know!

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