Still Learning

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The next day found the green eyed tri-brid going through obstacles while Mika yelled orders with Camila next to him keeping time. Both girls had agreed not to mention the new status to the older man until after the ascension occurred. That morning though Mika had blindsided them by having Camila join in on the training. 

At the moment Lauren was going through an advanced course that required her to use all her abilities. From her speed, to her balance and her quick thinking. She was coming close to the last part when Mika ordered her to stop. 

"She was about to beat her record" Camila states stopping the timer

"I know, now I want to see how you do on that course" Mika says looking at the younger girl

"Uh you do know that I am not that advanced. I am still learning certain things" Camila responds 

"You will do fine. Now go" Mika instructs 

"What's wrong?" Lauren says jogging up to the Balcony

"Nothing, Camila here is going to run the course now" Mika informs and Lauren goes pale. 

"Mika that's an advanced course. Camila barely learned how to trigger her senses" Lauren argues 

"She will be fine. Now Camila go and wait for my signal to begin" Mika states and Camila does as told after receiving a nod from Lauren. 

"I still think this is a bad Idea. She could get hurt" Lauren says keeping an eye on the younger girl as she makes her way to the start. 

"Alright Camila Begin" Mika Yells and Camila starts making her way through the obstacles 

"Don't jump, don't jump" Lauren whispers as she sees Camila get to the second obstacle 

"You are not allowed to help her Lauren" Mika warns 

"Mika Look at her, she's a deer in headlights. She doesn't know the full extent of her abilities yet. That course is for a hybrid that knows every single part of themselves and knows their capabilities. Camila is still Learning" Lauren argues when she sees Camila fall while trying to pass the 3rd obstacle. 

"And you should have more confidence in her. she will not learn if you keep holding her back" Mika counters as he sees the younger girl find her way and head into the next obstacle 

"What is this really about Mika?" Lauren questions looking away from the younger girl 

"What do you mean? I am helping you train and at the same time helping my daughter learn about her powers" Mika answers 

"No you had my mother help Camila with her training, why the sudden interest now?" Lauren asks 

"Lauren why do I need an excuse or a reason to want to get closer to the daughter I lost 21 years ago?" Mika counters and Lauren begins to feel like an asshole 

"You are right. I am sorry"Lauren answers then turns to look at Camila again who was now on the final obstacle. 

"If you must know, although I don't think you deserve it, I myself want to see what she can do after the short time she has had in learning things. From the looks of it she is doing better than I thought" Mika reveals as they both watch Camila complete the course. 

"She finished in 3 minutes in 50 seconds" Lauren says 

"I thought we weren't keeping time on her" Mika says 

"I know, but I also wanted to see what she can do" Lauren responds and Mika smile 


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