1 | Walkman

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A/N; Proof Read. Also, Happy Thanksgiving! :)



Arriving at the worn down gas station, I turn the ignition off. While taking a folded wad of three tens out of my bag. I hop out jogging into the store.

Pulling the glass door open with silver jingle bells ringing above. It brought the dark haired boy wearing reading glasses to look up. Pulling his concentrated attention away from a suduko booklet he was working on.

"Hey, Cash. Thirty on pump three, please."

"Casey!" He jumped over the counter, squeezing me in a bear hug. Despite me being five seven, he's only two inches taller -still growing- and a shit ton stronger.

"Hold on. Why do you need gas?" Cash rose a bushy brown brow while setting me free from his grasp.
"You better not've taken the car again." He stared at me sternly waiting for an answer. In a silent response, I nod my head to the direction of the truck with a crooked smile.

Trailling his eyes the direction I gestured towards, he widening his brown orbs with surprisement. Cash opened his mouth, slightly gawking at the aged navy truck parked proudly by pump three,
"Holy shit. No way! You got it working again?!"

"Hell yeah I did!"

He hopped up in down like a kid on Christmas. Taking the money from my hands, he lightly punched my shoulder as a "good job" gesture, as he hopped over the counter and did his magic. Vaguely waving bye to him with a lingering smile, he waved back.


Back to the truck, I stepped on the step bar leaning in inserting the keys. Just so I could see the gas meter if the gas would fill up all the way.

Hopping down, I open the gas tank popping the cap off. Placing the pump in, the smell of gas filled the area. But I tolerated the smell and waited patiently for the tank to fill up.
Leaning on my left leg, I shove my hand in my pocket fishing out an old black hair clip claw. Putting the pump back, I twist my hair in a bun, having the clip hold it in place. Then twist the gas cap tightly, closing the gas tank.

Hopping back in, I turn the keys, gaining the attention of a few people who starred at the loud truck. I pull out and began to cruise around for awhile.


At a red light, I lean over towards the passenger side, rummaging through the glove compartment, finding old CD cases, and by chance, pulling out a case called, "Cosmo's Factory" by Creedence Clearwater Revivial. Flipping the disc in, I toss the case lightly on the passenger seat. Adjusting the volume for a moment, until it wasn't ear ringing anymore.

Leaning my right elbow on the armrest compartment I keep my left hand on the wheel. I puff out a breath of air whilst closing my eyes briefly.

"Let the Midnight Special

Shine A Light on Me"

The light turned green, driving forward smoothly- a cop car ran their red light speeding across cutting me off. Braking it with a screech, I wanted to blared the horn for a minute. Grumbling to myself I look both ways, then drove. But I pondered on a thought, its lights weren't on, or its siren too, why? But why do I care? It won't affect me in anyway shape or form, so I shouldn't worry too much.


Hearing about a lake party, I decide to drive that way to see if people were just wasting their time. And why in the world during November?

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