7 | Backyard

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A/N; Not Proof Read, Apologies.



Soundwave has killed other humans. With no second thought. To not even to have the slightest pang of guilt or sorrow.  That's kinda disturbing.

He stopped talking suddenly looking to where my left hand rested in my outside pocket. I already felt Breaklight transform and just sit in my inside pocket fumbling with something.

Soundwave lifted his hand up. It was suffocating watching his hand inch closer. Remembering that he could toss me around like a rag doll. And it would hurt. Oh God. I thought to myself, I cant even form words. I flinched, freaking out when he poked my side. He moved my arm forcing my hand to leave my pocket.

"What is your problem?!"

"Why is a signal coming from your side?!"

"Like I know!"

"It stopped. . . What was it?!"

Having a hard time breathing, and feeling beads of sweat form on my forehead. Looking down at Breaklight worried, he shook his head. He had four digits. He made his two middles ones ball up, and the other two extend out as he put his hand near his head. Like a phone.


"It. . . It was my phone. Sorry."

Handing me a small thin square of tech. I brake it in half with shaking hands, dropping it in front of Soundwave.



Turns out, Breaklight sent off a beacon. I'm not mad. I'm worried. More robots,or Cybertronians. I think I'm good with knowing three. Breaklight, Soundwave, and Metalgrid who just came back in heli mode shitting his pants.

"Boss. Three Autobots seen about five kliks from here. One is just nearby."

"The Minicon. . . Breaklight."

He turned his head in our direction, my eyes blurred for a second. Gasping, my grip tighten on the wire. He yanked me off the beam, throwing my head back from the motion. The place spinned and spinned. I don't feel too hot.

"Give me Breaklight now."

I laughed dryly attempting to lie to myself that everything was going to be okay, and I'd be okay. Like a gate-closing anxiety, knowing I won't be able to experience life at the fullest. Breaklight stood on my shoulder, glaring at the bigger robot. Watching silently, he seemed to have stood up a bit taller.


3rd POV



Explosions. Or more or so the exchange of fire.   A familiar lieutenant came in firing his built in cannon on his right limb. As the two Decepticons hastily prepared for their leave. Metalgrid in his faded maroon attire leaned down quicky, pulling two hand cannons from the side of his hips. Twirling them in his servos quickly, he aimed the one in his right at the Autobot lieutenant.



Firing the two manual weapons, he skillfully dodged two plasma bullets heading for his frame, as he progressed forward to the Autobot. As Metalgrid silently did hand to hand combat with the struggling Lieutenant, he attempting to fire at his helm. To which Jazz shoved the Decepticons hand away as he fired. Attempting himself to fire at said Decepticons head, Metalgrid shoved his hand away, right before he fired his weapon.

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