4.5 | Breaklight

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A/N; Not Proof Read, Apologies. This is a short chapter, under 500 words or less.



Telling Casey the truth as to what Soundwave did. I regret it deeply. She became silent, not even responding to her own designation. Her eyes became swollen and pink, they leaked on both sides.

Worried, I had another thought worrying me more. Soundwave said, they're gone. The other last Minicons that always accompanied Soundwave.

I'm the last Minicon. Maybe.

And I take a weak form of a music playing item. For the time being.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I look up at Graysons sparkling. Her eyes kept leaking liquids down her face. I've never seen Grayson leak from his eyes, but Casey is. I make my way up to her shoulder, sitting near her ear. I begin to try and wipe away the liquid, but I accidently wipe at a raw red spot on her cheek bone.

She slight flinched, closing her eyes shut tightly for a second. She opened her eyes looking back down at Grayson. She began to tremble and small noises came from her.

She sounded like a female from the television. The carrier, or mother that had been torn away from her sparking, as she had shock cover her face. With a grief stricken frown having her hand cover her mouth, hiccuping trying to intake air.

Casey was doing that, hiccuping, having her shoulder shudder as she tried to even her breath out.

She attempted to stop leaking, but ended up leaking more. What's the word? Wailing, no. Crying? Yes, crying. I watch as she tried to keep herself together.

"Breaklight?" She asked between hiccups and a brittle hoarse voice.


"What is Soundwave doing right now?" She had a pleading worried face. Shifting her gaze to her lap. Silent for a moment, I move my servo in a circular motion on her shoulder. I hesitated, but told the truth,
"He may be taking your families memories and thoughts about you and me, including close family friends. He could be erasing  your profile in every data base. Basically eliminate all information about your existence. He might remove and destroy any evidence of you in any house hold."

I look at Casey who seemed dazed. She blew out a puff of air as she slouched more having her shoulders roll in, as if she was trying to curl into a ball. She covered part of her face with her hand, taking a shaky breath,
"What am I gonna do, Little Light?"

Little Light? . . . Interesting designation, from Earth.

"I'm not so sure as well, Casey. . ."

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