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Marshall's POV

"Come on Em, you have to do this. You don't really have much of a choice" Paul said as he followed me into the studio and shut the door behind him.

We just go out of a meeting and stupid management said I had to adopt a kid. It was part of some stupid contract they made. They said I would adopt a kid and then when the contract was over I could send them back into the system. I left the room as soon as possible and Paul followed behind me.

"Paul, I can't do that to a kid. It's wrong!" There was no way in hell I was going to go through with this.

"You don't have a choice! Look, after you send the kid back, we're going to give them money so that they'll be set for life. It's not that bad. If you don't go through with this, you're career could be over."

Fuck! I guess I have to go through with it. I mean it's not that bad. Paul said we'll pay the kid once we're done, they'll be good. Ugh, but then again it's a child. Fuck it.

I go into the room and sign the stupid contract. Management wants me to go to adopt a kid as soon as possible. I guess I'll go now, got nothing else to do.

After the drive, me, Paul, and Denaun arrive at the foster home. Let's hope this goes good.

Alexis' POV

I wake up to my alarm like every other morning. I go brush my teeth, change and then go eat breakfast with the rest of the foster kids.

I am one of the oldest here and I also have no friends. So usually I just help take care of the younger ones. Abby, the lady in charge, is very nice, she's been here for me since day one.

I don't really mind being here anymore, once I turn eighteen, I'll be allowed to leave. I've been here since I was three. Yea, both of my parents were drug addicts, I was taken out of my home and placed here.

After breakfast I go play with the little kids and they're so adorable. I read them books, color with them and then around two o'clock Abby rushes in telling me that there is someone here that wants to adopt a teenager. I get excited, but then realize that I probably won't get adopted cause I'm too old. I go anyways cause it's worth a shot. Hopefully it goes good.

Marshall's POV

We enter the foster home and are welcomed by a lady whose name is Abby. She asks what age range we want the kid to be and I tell her anyone over thirteen. She walks away to go get the kids.

Paul looks at me with wide eyes, "Why a teenager?"

"Cause management didn't say how old the kid had to be. Plus a teenager is way less work to take care of."

Abby comes back with not many kids but enough for me to choose from. All of them recognize me except one...interesting. I walk over to the blonde who looks around 15-16 years old.

"Hey what's your name?" I ask

"My name's Alexis" she replies, shocked.

"Cool. I'm Marshall. Why you so shocked?"

"Didn't think anyone would talk to me, I'm one of the oldest here, so nobody really looks forward to adopting me."

Man I feel bad for this girl...

"Well what if I adopt you?"

"Really, you'd do that?"

"Sure, why not? Why don't you go pack while I get the paperwork?"

"Okay" she says and rushes off with a smile on her face.

I go to Abby and sign all the paperwork and then wait for Alexis. She's now Alexis Mathers. Damn, now I feel really bad for going along with the contract. But, there's no backing out now.

The Contract {Adopted by Eminem}Where stories live. Discover now