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Alexis' POV

*3 months later*

It has now been three or so months since I've been adopted by Marshall. Things were going great. I got along with everyone.

As for me and Lucas, things are going pretty good, I think. We go on dates and act like a couple. But, he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. I think I know why though.

I once overheard him on the phone saying that he's scared to ask me to be his girlfriend because I'm Eminem's daughter. I totally get it though, I would be scared too, if I was in his position. Marshall can come off as a scary person, but he's really not.

There is also another couple, Whitney and Jacob. They made things official about a month ago and I'm the only person that knows. Whitney is scared that the rest will flip, especially Marshall, if they found out. I don't think it's that big of a deal, it's only a four year age difference .

Right now they're upstairs in Whitney's room. I'm being the look out in case Marshall comes home. He's currently with Kim, I think. It's pretty weird, they've been hanging out a lot and it's really suspicious.

He sometimes says he's going to the studio but he's really going to go see Kim. We caught him in the act once. They promised that nothing was going on, but I don't believe it.

I'm currently reading a magazine, but then hear the back door, open and close. Shit. Marshall is home. I freeze, not knowing what to do.

Okay, I think, just distract Marshall so that he doesn't see Whitney and Jacob upstairs.

I quickly go up to Marshall, making sure to keep him away from the stairs.

"Hey Marshall. How was your day?"

"Good...listen Alexis, I really need to go shower so if you can move out of my way, that'd be great."

"Actually there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Why are you and Kim acting so suspicious lately?"

"Alexis there's nothing going on. And even if there was something going on, it wouldn't be your business."


"Okay...well what do you think of my outfit?"

"It's nice" he grumbles.

"Thanks. Lovely weather we're having, right?"

"Yea it's gre— Alexis what's with all the questions? Are you hiding something?"

"Umm...no?" I say nervously.

"Move out of my way, Alexis" he says through gritted teeth.

I move out of the way, giving up. Sorry Whitney, I think.

Marshall rushes upstairs (me following him), eyeing every room. He finally then goes by Whitney's room, noticing that the door is closed.

He opens the door, my eyes widening at the sight.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Marshall yells.

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