Three words, two syllables, 8 letters.

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Sirius sat staring into the fire of the empty common room, James and Peter were in bed but Sirius could not sleep. Remus was still in the hospital wing from the full moon the night before, Sirius had been so distracted he didn't notice the group of Hufflepuffs wandering through the forest until it was too late.

The clock on the table struck 6am and Sirius knew it would be another hour till he was allowed to go visit the boy he loved.

Sirius had not known what it meant to feel Love until he met Remus Lupin, the tall gangly boy that reread books and wore jumpers all year round. Sirius had never admitted his love for the boy to anyone other than himself, Sirius was to rock and roll for love. That fact that he was gay never seemed to matter to Sirius and he told his friends so at the age on 13 after admitting to his crush on David Bowie. All his friends took the news really well, he was worried about James the most but he didn't even bat an eye at it. James would still crawl into bed with him during bad dreams, he would still hug Sirius all the time. When the clock finally showed 6:45am Sirius grabbed his bag running to the hospital wing.

"Good morning Mr Black." Madam Pomfry said with a knowing smile as a panting Sirius stepped into the hospital wing.

"Morning Poppy you look ravishing this morning." Sirius told her adding one of he famous winks on the end, she just rolled her eyes before disappearing into her office. Remus was still asleep when Sirius got to his bed so he just sunk into one of the close by chairs and waited.

After an hour of waiting Remus finally opened his eyes smiling over to a tired looking Sirius, Remus had grown accustomed to waking up in the hospital wing with Sirius next to him.

Remus had noticed his feelings for the black-haired boy changing recently, Remus noticed himself watching Sirius. He felt himself become jealous when Sirius flirted with another person. Even though Sirius was gay he still found a way to flirt with every girl that the school and Remus hatted it, he wanted Sirius to look at him that way. What Remus didn't notice is that he was so busy watching Sirius he had not notice that Sirius was watching him back.

"Morning." Remus grumbled in a tiered tone adjusting himself on the bed so that he could look at Sirius. Sirius gray eyes twinkled in the morning sun that was beaming through the windows, Remus studied the other boy.

"Morning." Sirius chimed back nervously, he had decided to tell Remus how he felt today. He had felt things change between the two friends and wanted them to go back to normal. He thought telling Remus would be how they would both move on. "Remus I need to tell you something" Sirius said in a calm tone, inside however he was scared to bits.

"Ok." Remus replied now also feeling nervous. Had Sirius caught him staring and was about to give him the whole I just want to be friends speech?

"From the day I met you in our first year here I know you were special, I saw how much you were hurting but how strong you were fighting it. When I found out you are a werewolf I didn't think any different of you other than you are the bravest person I know."

"Pads if this is"

"Remus, I need you to let me finish." Sirius told him in a shaky breath. "Over the last year I have noticed a difference between us and I could not figure it out, then yesterday when things went back I released what it was." Sirius stopped taking a deep breath. "Remus John Lupin I am in love with you."

Remus let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, tears streamed down his face as he looked at his friend. Out of all the things he thought Sirius was going to say it was not that.

"I know you don't feel the same." Sirius continued after Remus just sat there staring at him. "I just needed you to know how I felt so that we could both start moving on."

"I don't want to." Remus finally said in a small voice shocking Sirius. "I'm in love with you too, I didn't realize it till just this second but Sirius Orion Black I'm crazy about you."

Sirius was now the one sat there speechless, he just started into Remus glistening green eyes.

"Well kiss him already!" James shouted at his best friend, James and Lily had been trying to make Wolfstar happen for the last few months but every attempt failed. Sirius looked over to a joyful James, a tired Peter and Lily who was trying to hide her glee.

Taking his best friend's advice Sirius stood from his chair stepping closer to Remus, their eyes locked as Sirius lent down. Remus places a spell on the bed separators to blook the friends from seeing.

"I love you" Sirius whispered against Remus' lips once more.

"I love you to" Remus whispered back before leaning up, connecting their lips together. The kiss was slow, filled with passion and nerves, both boys did not know where to put their hands or how far to take the kiss. Sirius pulled back gently suddenly out of breath, he rested his head against Remus giggling slightly.

"Well that was different." Remus admitted blushing, Sirius nodded his head closing his eyes as he collected his thoughts.

Sirius climbed into bed with Remus cuddling into the warmer taller boy, Remus rested his head onto Sirius' head knowing there was nowhere he would rather be and no one he would rather be with.

The other friends left soon after the room divider went up, they may shipped the two boys but they knew when they were not wanted. Everything soon went back to normal just now Remus and Sirius held hands in the hallway and cuddled Infront of the fire.

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