Are you F***ing Sirius?

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Remus sat alone, on his bed at Hogwarts waiting for his friends to get back from their day of trouble making.

"Are you fucking Serious." James yelled slamming the door open. Remus mouth shot open as he meet the eyes of his best friend. How had he worked out that Remus and Sirius had been sleeping together? They had been so careful.

"Mate I can explain." Remus defended calmly as he stood from his bed. "It is more than just sex."

"How could she, I mean I know-" James blinked shaking his head. "Wait. What?"

"Wait! What are you talking about?" Remus asked growing red in the face.

"Prong. Come on it's just a study date and you to ar-" Sirius stop as ge walked in the room, he could feel the awkwardness in the air.

"What is going on?" Sirius asked looking between his best friend and his boyfriend.

"Mooney is sexually active I think." Jame said turning to Sirius. "I came in and he started rambling about more than sex."

Sirius glanced from James to Remus, he didn't know what to do or say. Lucky Sirius could think on his feet, and he know how to detract James.

"Well congratulations Mooney. But now is not the time, James has just found out that Evan's is seeing a 6th year Hufflepuff." Remus caught on to what Sirius was doing.

"Oh mate that sucks, let talk about it."

The three boys spent the next two hours discussing Lily and her new date. James unaware or bother of what was said earlier in the day. Peter arrived back with news of the study date he has just been spying on.


2am in the boys common room.

James laid awake staring up at the wooden frame on his bed, a small snitch he had stolen flutter around he curtain looking for and escape. James replayed the whole thing with Lily in his head. How she had ditched him to go off with the Hufflepuff and how angry he felt. He then replied walking in to the room.

"Are you fucking Serious!" He could hear himself yelling it over and over. Until it changed.

"Are you fucking, serious." He heard himself yelling.

"Are you fucking, serious?" This time he heard it as a question. He repeated the question under is breath before thinking about Remus reply.

"Its more than just sex." James mumbled. "Why would I care is Remus was having sex? Why would he be Serious, we already have a Sirius."

Then it clicked.

"Unless he is fucking Sirius Black." James screamed pulling back his curtains. The screaming woke the room up, James rushed over to the werewolf bed to find it empty. Turing to see Remus poking his head out of Sirius blacks curtains.

"Remus are you having sex with Sirius?" James asked. Remus just nodded his head looking to the floor. He felt his boyfriend get up pulling open the curtains.

"Well that took you long enough pads." Sirius yawned, getting up to make his way to the bathroom. Scratch marks could be seen on his topless back, Remus blushed as he watch James staring at them. James stood there mouth open glancing from the toilet door back to a sorry looking Remus.

"But- but- you- him- but- when, where, how, why." James sputtered. Sirius flushed the chain, before opening the door.

"Yes me and remus are together. 5 months ago, the shrieking shake, Remus had a bad full moon, I stayed till he woke up and when he did I could not help but kiss him, and because I love him. Now we are going back to bed. If you don't agree with our life style i understand but we can discuss it in the morning"

James just stood there for a moment taking it all in, his brain still working as he made his way back to bed.

"Mooney." James called. Remus and his over protective boyfriend brothe picked there head around the curtains.

"You look after my brother's heart, he don't give it to just anyone." James stated before pulling his curtains shut.

"What was that?" Remus asked laying back into Sirius arms.

"You just got my family blessing." Sirous mumbleds before kissing remus once more before falling asleep feeling happier than he ever know possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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