Secrets and lies!

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"Pads." A scared moony whispered looking over Sirius sholder to the dorm room door. "Pads we can't here."

"Oh come on baby lighten up a little." A drunk Sirius smiled at the taller boy as he wrapped his arm around his neck. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"We could get caught..." Remus explained looking around once more, Sirius rased a hand laying it on to Remus's very warm cheek. Perks of being a werewolf, never getting cold.

"So what if they do?" Sirius winked pulling Remus closer to him. " I'm in love you you Remus John Lupin and I don't care who knows!"

"What if James is homophobic? Or if Peter is, well actually he, I kn" Remus was cut of as Sirius pressed his lips to Remus, Remus fell silent wrapping his arms around his boyfriends waist. Sirius tasted of liquorice wand, brandy and Muggle cigarette, the taste make Remus week at the knees.

Sirius smiled into the kiss knowing that he had this power over Remus made him so happy. He had loved Remus since the day he saw him outside kings crose station. Sirius ran his toung over the werewolf bottom lip, Remus know what he wanted and gave the drunk boy the access access he craved. Sirius's toung darted into Remus mouth exploring all of him. Sirius heals his boyfriend tight as he lead them to the bed. Sirius played the other boy down straddling his waist.

"Remus I need you inside me." Sirius hummed as he rocked his hips down on a flustered Remus. The two boys were so lost in the moment they had no heared James and Peter enter the room. "I have missed you so much baby."

"I have miss you to darling." Remus replied in his smooth yet breathless voice, that made Sirius melt. Remus worked on unbottoning sirius shirt as James watched with his mouth open wide. Finally Peter cleared his throat drawing the two lovers attention to the friends.

"Sorry. 'Gongalle broke up the party, sent us all to bed." James said casually, before walking over to his bed.

Remus and Sirius gave each other a worried look before looking over at James. Peter still stood at the door not sure what to do. Sirius glanced at Peter who just shrugged his shoulder, he gave Remus a look before heading back out the door.

"I should go talk to him." Remus said softly, Sirius nodded his head before climbing of his boyfriend. Once they where alone Sirius slowly made his way over to James who was now laying on his bed staring out the window.

"Prongs. Can we talk?" Sirius asked in a soft but worried tone. James moved over on his bed allowing Sirius to sit down but he never once took is eyes off the window. "Are you ok?"

"Yep." Was all his best friend replied. Sirius heart broke a little bit, James was more than a best friend he was a brother.

"Are you mad?"

"Nope" James continued to look out the window. Sirius could hear the hurt and discussed in the other boys voice.

"I was going to tell you." Sirius said looking down at his lap. Everyone had thought Sirius was a punk bad ass with no emotions. The truth was he is the most emotional out of all his friend, the thought of one of his friends being mad at him killed him a little.

"When?" James asked finally looking at his friend. "When where you going to tell me you was fucking Moony? According to the map it's being going on for a while."

Sirius stat there stunned at this reply, why had James not said anything before hand. James had know Sirius was bi for just over two years, it was something Sirius had never felt he needed to keep from James.

"I know you was a slut but I never thought you would do this to our best friend! You know how he feels about sex!" James shouted. His words hit deep, how could James think that what Sirius was doing.

"I love him James!" Sirius shouted, standing from the bed. James face turnt from discussed to hurt. "I would never treat Moody with anything but the respect and dignity he deserves! I was very happy just having him as mine, he was the one that wanted to take the next step! Not me!" With that Sirius turnt on his heels and went to leave the room but was stopped by his Remus. Remus looked down at Sirius.

"Hey what happened?" Remus asked. Sirius let the tears spill as he buried his face into Remus neck, Remus wrapped his strong arms around the other boys resting his face into his hair.
"It's ok baby." Remus whispered.

"Pr... Jam... He thinks I'm.... a... a slut... he" Sirius said throw his sobs, James was watching with a feeling of regret it I was oviouse Sirius loved Remus. No one had ever seen Sirius cry other than James. Up until now Remus had not even seen it.

"Okay baby... It's okay... I'm sure he don't think that." Remus shot James a warning glare and James Relised the werewolf felt the same way. Suddenly James realised this had been a long time coming.

He remembered Sirius walking around in the werewolf's over sized knitted Jumpers on cold winter mornings. He thought about how Remus would just roll his eyes and smile at the other boy, yet if any of the others touched his stuff Remus lost his shit. James thought about Sirius staying home from hogsmead to be with Remus after a bad full moon, Sirius had claimed he was feeling sick but James realised now he wanted to take care of Moony.

"I'm sorry." James said walking over to Sirius who wimpered cuddling tighter into his boyfriend. "I didn't mean it."

"So you did call him a slut?" Remus roared. No one had ever seen Remus angry or heard him rais his voice. "Who the fuck to you think you are calling him that!"

Sirius whispered again drawing back his boyfriend attation. Sirius hated people shouting around him, it reminded his to much of his family.

"Shhh baby I'm sorry." Remus told Sirius holding him tighter.

"Don't be a swearwolf." Sirius joked shyly. Sirius had been winding Remus up with that joke since they found out about Remus problem.

"Really now, you are joking now?" Remus asked with a slight grin on his face as he looked down into his boyfriend's eyes.

"No I'm actually Sirius." He smiled back, Remus used his thumb to wipe away the tears still trickling down Sirius face.

"You two need to talk but not now, we all need sleep." Remus commanded. James nodded his head walking away. Sirius lead Remus to his bed and for the First time Remus didn't protested as they both laid down.

"Night baby." Sirius smiled kissing his boyfriend's head.

"Night sexy." James replied making the room laugh. Sirius realised they were going to be ok. "Oh shit, you don't mean me anymore."

"Prongs mate I never ment you. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings." Sirius feel asleep wrapped up in his boyfriend's arms to the sound of his best friend still laughing and Peter snoring. He knew his last year at Hogwarts was going to be the best yet.

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