chapter 8

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Did you miss me?

Warning: sensitive content

I eventually make my way back to the house. I need to get my stuff and get out of Aidans house. I've overstayed my welcome that's for sure.

As I near the baby blue door, I notice it's slightly open.

Huh, that's wierd...

I take a step into the house, on edge now. "Aidan." I say tentatively. I hear no reply. The house is just as I left it.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I shook my head at my behaviour. Calm down Leah.

I shut the door behind me and felt the tension ease off me in waves.

Just get your stuff and go.

I head into the guest bedroom. I don't have much stuff. Just my toothbrush, Aidans hoodie and the clothes I was wearing the day I came here. My eyes fell to a pair of red lace underwear.

Strange, I don't remember bringing that...

I pick it up cautiously.

Did Aidan...

"You always had good taste in underwear." A chilling voice behind me says.

I freeze in my shoes, frightened beyond belief. It couldn't be.

Slowly I turned round to face the very man I had tried so hard to escape. The degenerate of humankind. My Uncle.

His lips twisted into a greasy smile. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Don't you remember me?" He said, taking a step towards me.

I couldn't help it- I flinched. 

He began to laugh. 

"Still as pathetic as ever." He cackled.

Every inch of my body recoiled with every pace he made towards me. My eyes swivelled to the window. Maybe I could....

A sharp slap brought me back to my senses. "Don't even think about it, little niece." My Uncle growled, all pretences gone. "You ran away from me and you're going to pay for it for the rest of your life." He yelled.

Tears fell in a river down my cheeks. After everything I'd done to escape him, he'd found me.

I shivered uncontrollably as his hands cupped my ass, pulling me closer to him. He leaned down, telling me all the things he was going to do to me the moment we got back home.

"That place is not home." I said through gritted teeth.

My Uncle sighed. "When are you going to learn to submit? You need to be cut down to size. Your time away has made you think you're something other than a useless slut. Maybe you need reminding."

He smirked, running his hand unashamedly over me, till he was satisfied.

"I'm back darling, get used to it."

He yanked off my shirt, impatient. My eyes were wide with fear. Goosebumps exploded on my skin from his cold touch.

"You understand you will need to be punished... severely." He began. Out of his back pocket, he brought out a lighter. Pushing me unto the bed, he began his attack. I struggled against him with all my might, but he was too strong. In my desperation, I began to  howl, to scream.

No one came.

Not as he had his way with me.
Not as he bundled me into his car.
Not as he drove me back to his den.

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