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Luhan's pov.

I was studying home when I felt dizzy

I felt like vomiting

I run to the washing room and throw everything

I went hospital since I was feeling bad

Doctor what is wrong with me

You are pregnant luhan


Yes you are pregnant

Okay doctor thank you,,

I paid money and went home,,, I can't wait to tell sehun' we are expecting our unborn child,, when I remember how he choose Baek over me and I got angry,,

No he has no right over us anymore,,,,

I was sleeping when I heard a knock on the door

I opened to see sehun

Can we talk luhan

No I have nothing to talk about with you sehun,,, just keep your distance away from me,, I don't need you anymore as it is Baek is more important to you,,, I found someone else to replace you,, just fuck off and am warning you don't you dare try to bully me in school or else I will tell everyone you are Gay and you raped me,,,

Why would I bully you luhan

Am warning you stay away from me

Okay then don't worry

I felt so angrylike killing him

I was at school when I almost fall down but sehun' helped me

Are you okay

Do I look like am sick to u sehun

I just asked

Don't bother am fine and next time even if I have to fall down please don't touch me I feel so disgusting by you touching my body.

Baekhyun's pov.

Chanyeol do you really love me

Yes baby I love you so much


Of course and I want to date you,, to introduce you to my parents and tell my friends you are the only thing that matters

Really chanyeol

Yes bby or you don't want me

No it's not like that but what about hyuna

I don't love her I will break up with her


Anything for you

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